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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-200ER
B777-300 Values Fail to Inspire
The limited operator base, a consequence of limited performance due to the arrival of the -300ER, continues to plague values of the type and cause a constant decline. The -300 has been under pressure for a number of years, even before the onset of the recession. The limited range of…

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October 21, 2013
Widebody Rates Stable As Growth Takes Hold
The further improvement in the world economy continues to generate demand for widebodies, both new and used, thereby allowing lease rentals to remain stable. Even as the manufacturers deliver record levels of aircraft – Airbus has delivered 70 A330s through to the end of August and Boeing 61 B777s –…

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September 23, 2013
Values of B777-200ER Continue to Fall Due to Zero Backlog
The values of the -200ER continue to fall despite remaining a popular aircraft for a variety of carriers though the age of the variant indicates that new offerings from Airbus and Boeing will see further displacement. The -200ER orderbook totals 442 for which none remain to be delivered. The values…

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August 26, 2013
Boeing List Prices Rise by Modest Two Percent
The list prices of Boeing aircraft have risen by a modest 1.9 percent on average between 2012 and 2013 which is nearly half the rise registered for Airbus aircraft earlier in the year. Even though customers do not pay list prices they still represent something of a starting point. There…

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August 26, 2013
Subsequent Upgrade to Weight and Engines Requires Cost/Benefit Analysis
Longer range capability is sought by manufacturers but an ever growing number of operators need capacity rather range and this continues to create considerable differential in values. The B777-200ER is a classic example of where some Asian carriers have needed medium haul capability. Instead of using the higher 656,000lb MTOW…

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August 12, 2013
B777-200ER Values Tumble
There is a growing realization that the -200ER is no longer the desirable asset that it once was. Values are therefore experiencing a notable decline. The virtual absence of orders for the B777-200ER at a time when the A330-300 is securing such a large number points to a type that…

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August 12, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B777-200ER
Market Presence. As an all-new aircraft, Boeing had the opportunity to employ the latest technology. Though the company opted not to employ full fly by wire as adopted by Airbus, the use of LCD screens in the B777 cockpit was only subsequently incorporated by Boeings European competitor, demonstrating that Airbus…

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August 12, 2013
Residuals of Low Weight A350-900 May Need Fine Tuning
Longer range capability is sought by manufacturers but an ever growing number of operators need capacity rather range and this continues to create considerable differential in values. The B777-200ER is a classic example of where some Asian carriers have needed medium haul capability. Instead of using the higher 656,000lb MTOW…

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August 12, 2013