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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-200ER
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The A330-200F was developed as a means of stimulating additional sales for Airbus widebodies at a difficult time for the European manufacturer and to act as a replacement for the A300-600F which had ended production. Airbus was also conscious that Boeing had a pre-eminent position in the new…

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April 16, 2018
A340-500 Values Tested With Marketing of Four More Units
Values have Fallen by 90+ Percent in Just Over Ten Years The fall in the value of used widebodies continues to be a concern although the decline in the values of the A340-500 represents the extreme. While the values of used mainstream narrowbodies continue to enjoy a measure of success…

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April 2, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment- A340-300
Market Presence. The A340-300 has previously provided operators with considerable operating flexibility but no longer. The four-engine configuration, combined with long haul capability, opened up a number of routes unable to support either the larger B777-300ER or the ETOPs constrained twin engined B777-200ER. The –300 has CFM56-5 engines while the…

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April 2, 2018
A340-300 Values at Scrap Levels
The values of the A340-300 have continued to fall such they are now at virtually scrap levels. At least 40 have been scrapped and a similar number are lying idle in storage with little likelihood of being returned to service. The aircraft has increasingly been replaced by newer twins and…

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April 2, 2018
A340-300 Lease Rentals Plateau After Significant Falls
The lease rentals of the A340-300ER have experienced considerable changes sing the type was introduced some 25 years ago but for the last decade the trend has inevitably been in only one direction. In the 1990s, three and four engined aircraft were still very much an attractive proposition for operators…

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March 5, 2018
Despite Strong Traffic Widebody Values Weaken
As the product line transitions to new types, operators are disposing of their older equipment and the problem is that some of the capacity being released is too large for second tier operators – unless the price is sufficiently low. The fall in widebody values continues to equate to around…

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March 5, 2018
Boeing Hikes List Prices by More Than 4 Percent
But Net Prices Remain Virtually Stagnant The differential between list prices and values of new aircraft continues to widen as Boeing announces a rise of 4.1 percent. The publishing of list prices has come earlier in the year matching the release date of those provided by Airbus. The average rise…

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February 5, 2018
Asking Prices for Boeing Aircraft Still Higher Than Values
The asking prices for older Boeing aircraft in particular are still usually higher than market values suggesting that the actual net selling price will be lower than that advertised. A 1996 B737-500 is on the market with an asking price of $2.3 million which compares with $1.8 million (Aircraft Values…

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February 5, 2018