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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B767-300
This is the second comprehensive current and future lease rate table to be published by Aircraft Value News. The table will be published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating…

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August 30, 2010
Widebody Values Stable As Market Bottoms Out
The world economy may be experiencing a slight improvement with passenger traffic recovering but values have to overcome problems associated with storage, yields, finance, production rates, and lease rentals. Fortunately, with lease rentals beginning to rise there is growing evidence that values of most widebodies in production have bottomed out…

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August 2, 2010
New Freighter Orders Remain Elusive
The significant rebound in airfreight traffic, not least due to the massive increase in Chinese exports, has provided the basis for a return to service of many previously idle freighters. The demand for new freighters remains limited as evidenced by the lack of new orders. Some of the new freighters…

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July 19, 2010
Widebody Lease Rates Show Stability
The widebody market continues to improve with the demand for newer widebodies consistent thus allowing lease rentals to remain stable. The fragility of the world economy and the exposure of so many financial institutions to uncertain debts continues to make it difficult for lease rentals to experience a significant rise.…

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July 5, 2010
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for April 30 th 2010 current values…

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June 21, 2010
Widebody Values Edge Downwards
Despite signs that the market is improving such is the fragility of the economic recovery and the uncertainty that values in some cases have edged downwards rather than up. The problems surrounding Japan Airlines has resulted in a 20 percent fall in values over the last few months. This is…

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May 10, 2010
Freight Market Edges Out of Recession
The improvement in the world economy is at last having a positive effect on airfreight such that freighter lease rentals have stabilized. Operators are at last placing surplus capacity back into service. The focus of attention is clearly on the newer aircraft types which offer greater fuel efficiency but there…

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April 26, 2010
Widebody Lease Rates Achieve Stagnation
Usually the term of stagnation confers negative connotations on an aircraft type. However, in the context of the torrid market conditions stagnation is positive, potentially signaling the start of an improvement in fortunes. The market for newer widebodies is improving although yet again there continues to be concern over the…

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April 12, 2010