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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B767-300
Most Widebody Rentals Steady
The lease rentals of the majority of widebodies, perhaps contrasting with that of the narrowbody sector, are largely remaining steady as a result of still reasonable demand and lesser competition among lessors. International traffic is performing better than some domestic and intra-regional flows. New aircraft are still acting as replacements…

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June 18, 2012
Widebody Values Experience Modest Decline
The values of most widebodies have slipped as a result of weaker market conditions and the off peak season. While the values of the B777-300ER, newer A330-300s and the A380 are managing to hold firm, those of other types are not faring so well. The market for used widebodies has…

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May 7, 2012
Widebody Rentals Stable At Best
Apart from a few notable exceptions, lease rentals of widebodies are considered to have either remained stable or eased downwards. International traffic is not as buoyant as previously which means that demand is failing to cope with the influx of new deliveries. New aircraft are therefore acting as replacement rather…

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April 9, 2012
Lease Rates Stable At Best
Just as the fourth quarter of 2007 was considered to be point at which lease rentals started to falter before the Great Recession, the third quarter of 2011 has become the point at which lease rentals started to weaken once more as the aviation industry connected with the still weak…

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February 27, 2012
Widebody Values Continue to Achieve Stable
The widebody market is facing more uncertainty due to the concern over whether the high yielding passenger will continue to fly with such frequency. While the economy passenger may pay the fuel and flight crew salaries for the long haul operator, it is the business class passenger who pays for…

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January 30, 2012
Widebody Rentals Remain Stable
The widebody sector is beginning to show signs of connection with the wider economic malaise which results in part from the lack of decision action from the leaders of the Eurozone. The lease rentals of most widebodies previously managed to improve over the course of the last eighteen months largely…

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December 5, 2011
Values of B767-300 Edge Towards the Abyss
The market for the -300 continues to fail to inspire as the type falls from grace and the focus moves to newer aircraft types. The problems facing the B767-300 program are indicated by the order status. Only seven units were ordered during the course of the 1990s with the last…

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November 7, 2011
C919 Order Book Swells As Values Begin to be Assessed
The launch of the B737MAX and the development of the A320neo inevitably focus attention on Western products but China continues to secure interest for its indigenous C919 such that values will soon have to be calculated for the type. Comac has just announced that a further 65 orders have been…

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November 7, 2011