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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B767-200
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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August 1, 2022
B757-300 Values Remain Stable
While the -300 is ageing, this has not translated into retirement as yet and as such values are remaining stable but the issue remains as to where the aircraft will be placed should the existing operators divest their fleets. There have been a few transactions with aircraft moving between Thomas…

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July 4, 2022
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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January 31, 2022
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Current Market Value Assumptions
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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January 3, 2022
No Hope for A310-300 Values
Although the B797 may be seen as something of a partial replacement for the A310, this does not mean that the values of the A310 are able to enjoy a renaissance – rather the reverse. Just as the market for widebodies shows some prospect of improvement as international routes open…

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November 8, 2021
VVIPs Still de rigueur
There is a certain irony that the COP26 Environment meeting being held in Glasgow, Scotland, is seeing so many VVIP aircraft parked at Glasgow Airport. The very myriad of VVIP aircraft being used for the conference points to a sustained need for the type by not only governments but more…

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November 8, 2021
More B747-8s Destined to be used for VVIPs
The market for airliner sized business and VIP jets is expected to increase given the need for dedicated transports that offer services that commercial passenger aircraft cannot provide. Earlier in 2021 Korean Air ferried a B747-8 to Hamburg Helmut Schmidt airport for conversion into a VIP transport. Despite being less…

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August 16, 2021
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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August 2, 2021
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