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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B757PF
A South Sea Bubble in the Making?
The values of freighters remain strong as is evidenced by the dash for conversions but there remains a concern that this may be a South Sea Bubble in the making with demand failing to match capacity. The origins of the South Sea Bubble, the South Sea Company having been founded…

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December 5, 2022
Freighter Values Unchanged
The freighter market appears to remain extremely buoyant with conversions accelerating and more orders being placed but freighter traffic is perhaps seeing some weakness not least because of supply chain issues. IATA reports that for July 2022, airfreight traffic was some three percent lower than for the same month of…

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September 26, 2022
Freighter Values Remain Stable
The values of most types continue to struggle but those for freighters appear to be strong as ever despite the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the lockdowns in China and the increasing threat of recession. The dash for freighters is all too evident and the conversion centers cannot keep…

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June 6, 2022
Freighter Values Remain Strong
The market for dedicated freighters remains as strong as ever with every day virtually seeing a fresh order for new aircraft or the conversion of existing units. The overall market continues to enjoy the benefits of limited international passenger services and the recovery of the economy from the Covid Event.…

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March 14, 2022
Freighter Values At Their Peak
The airfreight market continues to enjoy strong growth with cargo traffic being some nine percent higher than the same period in 2019. When compared to September 2020 traffic is some 15 percent greater. The demand for airfreight, as detailed above, continues to show sustained growth not least because of some…

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November 22, 2021
Freighter Values Remain Resilient
The airfreight market continues to hold much promise not least because of the still limited return of international passenger flights with China, Australia and New Zealand for example all seeing a virtual shutdown in international passenger flights until 2022. When compared to July 2019, airfreight traffic is actually more than…

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September 13, 2021
Freighter Values Stabilize After Recent Rises
The overall market remains dire but at least airfreight continues to be one of the few areas which have been largely unaffected by the Covid Event. The demand for airfreight continues to be driven by the limited number of international flights that usually carry freight in the lower hold. For…

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June 7, 2021
Freighter Values Register Further Rise
The market for airfreight per se may not be actually as strong as might be imagined but in terms of the demand for dedicated freighters due to the absence of international passenger flights, the demand remains sufficiently substantive as to allow values to register a modest increase. The market for…

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April 12, 2021
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