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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B757-300
Values of Marginalized Programs Continue to Tumble
While the values attributed to most newer aircraft are enjoying a modest rise for 2014, those for marginalized programs face challenging times, continuing to fall at a faster than average rate of five percent per annum. The two major manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing, have not always produced the most commercially…

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May 19, 2014
Rates for Older In Production Narrowbodies Fall
The lease rentals for the older examples of in-production narrowbodies continues to fall as availability increases and as the preference for newer types mounts. or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance reserves. They assume a medium credit, average return conditions and…

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May 19, 2014
A320 Rates Continue to Rise
Despite exhibiting a fall a year ago the lease rentals of the A320 are enjoying a slight improvement such that rates of approximately $340,000 per month may be secured for new aircraft. or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance reserves. They…

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February 10, 2014
Lessors Still Seeking to Increase Rates
The lessors are still seeking to increase the lease rentals on some aircraft types despite the competition. The competition among lessors remains intense but this needs to be seen in the context of a still expanding leasing market. The lessors are however, also having to compete against airlines that are…

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November 18, 2013
Values of Widebodies Continue to Decline
The enthusiasm for the new generation of widebodies continues to mask some of the deficiencies of existing examples. The last decade has seen an expansion in the widebody operator fleet as liberalization has taken hold in established markets and as the globalization of the world economy has facilitated the emergence…

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November 18, 2013
B777-300 Values Fail to Inspire
The limited operator base, a consequence of limited performance due to the arrival of the -300ER, continues to plague values of the type and cause a constant decline. The -300 has been under pressure for a number of years, even before the onset of the recession. The limited range of…

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October 21, 2013
Variety of Fortunes for Widebody Values
Values of most widebodies continue to decline in the context of age while a few are managing to hold steady due to exceptional demand. Assuming that aircraft have a useful asset life of some 20 years, this suggests that even if the market has no influence then values should fall…

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August 12, 2013
Lessors Seek to Increase Rentals
The competition to place aircraft is intense but lessors are increasingly seeking to temporarily park aircraft rather than accept lower rentals. The increase in the proportion of the fleet that are leased has also seen increased competition among the lessors. The product life cycle of the B737-800 for example, is…

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August 12, 2013
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