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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B757-300
Lease Rentals Continue to Weaken
Although new sales remain strong, the lease rentals of narrowbodies continue to weaken slightly as supply increases and demand falls. The reason for lower rentals is due to the reconnection of the aviation industry in the latter part of 2011 to the wider economic malaise that still prevails. New start…

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July 30, 2012
Most Widebody Values Decline
While the values of some widebodies remain stable, there are a number that continue to face falls. The older widebodies are most at risk from the fall in values as operators continue to move to newer types. The values of the B777-300ER and A330-300, rather than rising as has been…

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July 30, 2012
Residuals of B737MAX Begin to Take Shape as ALC Orders 75
The placement of the first major order from a leasing company for the B737MAX makes it increasingly necessary to start producing residual values for the type even if service entry of the first unit is still some five years away. There has been a reluctance to introduce residual values for…

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July 16, 2012
Widebody Values Experience Modest Decline
The values of most widebodies have slipped as a result of weaker market conditions and the off peak season. While the values of the B777-300ER, newer A330-300s and the A380 are managing to hold firm, those of other types are not faring so well. The market for used widebodies has…

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May 7, 2012
No Recovery for Lease Rentals
The lease rentals of narrowbodies still in production are continuing to experience only a modest decline which needs to be seen in the context of historically low interest rates, rates which are expected to remain low for the next few years. The reason for lower rentals stems from the reconnection…

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May 7, 2012
Lease Rentals Continue to Edge Down
The recent recovery in lease rentals from the depths of the Great Recession seems to have passed a peak as lease rentals on the mainstream narrowbodies continue to edge down slightly. The reason for lower rentals stems from the reconnection of the aviation industry to the wider economic malaise. In…

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January 30, 2012
Widebody Values Continue to Achieve Stable
The widebody market is facing more uncertainty due to the concern over whether the high yielding passenger will continue to fly with such frequency. While the economy passenger may pay the fuel and flight crew salaries for the long haul operator, it is the business class passenger who pays for…

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January 30, 2012
Values of B777Fs Remain Stable
While the airfreight sector begins to appreciate that the weakness of the global economy will continue to place pressure on yields as traffic stagnates, the sustained appetite for the B777F is notable as is the ability of values to resist the downward pressure that is affecting so many other freighter…

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October 24, 2011