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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400F
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Continue to Experience Modest Falls As Market Remains Weak Values of some aircraft are continuing to experience falls as operators still seek to cope with variable traffic, reduced yields and fluctuating fuel prices. The world economy and the problems of ever more European countries will likely cause further uncertainty.…

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July 2, 2012
FedEx Accelerated Retirement Causes Problems for Freighter Values
Already Marginalized A310-200F & MD10-10 Values Most Impacted The accelerated retirement of freighter aircraft by FedEx points to still difficult times for the airfreight market which continues to translate into falling values. On June 4th, FedEx announced the permanent retirement of 18 A310-200Fs as well as 26 related engines; six…

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June 18, 2012
Freighter Values Experience Material Fall
While there are some indications that the airfreight market is beginning to improve, the reality is that demand is still at odds with capacity and as such values have experienced a material fall over the last few months. The freight load factor remained significantly below 50 percent indicating that demand…

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May 21, 2012
Freighter Lease Rates Remain Under Pressure
The market for freighters remains fragile as demand continues to be at sufficiently low levels to force more aircraft to be parked. China Airlines has parked two B747-400Fs in the desert due to the fall in demand. While the results for February appeared to show some improvement in the freight…

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April 23, 2012
Values of B747-200Fs Remain At Near Scrap Levels
The weakness of the airfreight market is continuing to ensure that the appetite for the once ubiquitous B747-200F/-200SF is dwindling and that values are therefore reaching scrap levels. The B747-200F has been a workhorse of the airfreight industry for decades. Indeed, when designing the B747 in the 1960s, Boeing anticipated…

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April 23, 2012
Lease Rates Stable At Best
Just as the fourth quarter of 2007 was considered to be point at which lease rentals started to falter before the Great Recession, the third quarter of 2011 has become the point at which lease rentals started to weaken once more as the aviation industry connected with the still weak…

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February 27, 2012
Freighter Values Fail to Edge Higher
The demand for airfreight remains in the doldrums with IATA data for 2011 indicating a slight fall while capacity continued to increase. The freight load factor remained significantly below 50 percent indicating that demand has some way to go in order to improve the yields of operators. The economy in…

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February 13, 2012
Freighter Lease Rates Continue to Stutter
The market for freighters continues to be volatile with some operators acquiring additional capacity while others are suspending operations. The suspension of services by Jade Cargo in December underlines the negatives facing the air cargo industry. Jade Cargo is co-owned by Air China and Lufthansa both of which have their…

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January 16, 2012