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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400F
Freighter Lease Rentals Stabilize
The airfreight market is at last showing signs of improvement as a result of wider economic activity. IATA reports that airfreight traffic rose by more than six percent in November 2013 compared to the November 2012. Compared to October 2013, the November traffic increased by nearly three percent. The year…

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January 27, 2014
Freighter Values Continue to Weaken
The resurgence in demand for airfreight always seems to be just around the corner. However, this has been the case for the last few years and demand has yet to return. This has increased pressure on values such that future falls have been experienced for dedicated freighters. Again, the lower…

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November 4, 2013
Freighter Lease Rentals Fail To Advance
The parting out of a B747-400BCF only six years after being converted is a sad indictment of the state of the airfreight market. Serial number 27070 was built in 1994 and operated by Singapore Airlines until being acquired by Cathay Pacific in 2007 and converted to a freighter. The aircraft…

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October 21, 2013
Boeing Asking Prices Continue to Exhibit Wide Range
There continues to be a wide range of asking prices for aircraft, particularly the older examples where maintenance condition and specification represents a significant portion of the overall value. A 1999 B737-300 is on the market for $5.9 million. Although this aircraft is expected to be one of the last…

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September 23, 2013
Freighter Values Remain Vulnerable
The world economy remains fragile and this inevitably causes problems for demand in terms of new and used freighters as well as conversions. While there is evidence of improvement in some sectors and countries, the strength of the recovery is not sufficiently widespread nor of a magnitude as to see…

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August 26, 2013
Lease Rentals Fail to Move
There are only minor indications that the airfreight market is showing signs of improvement with Silk Way Airlines of Azerbaijan ordering two B747-8Fs. The world economy continues to improve slightly though again the Eurozone crisis faces new pressures which are curtailing demand for imported goods. This absence of consistent growth…

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July 29, 2013
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Seeking to sell a used unencumbered aircraft for cash, even one less than ten years of age, continues to require considerable pricing flexibility and the preference for newer aircraft continues.  Values of aircraft generally managed to regain some of their losses incurred during the Great Recession but sufficient weakness in…

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July 15, 2013
Values of Freighters Start to Hold Steady
After a period of considerable weakness the more stable airfreight market is allowing freighter values to remain steady though the last quarter has still a fall for some types. The Aircraft Rating (Aircraft Value Analysis Rating; reflects the considered suitability for asset based financing over a five to…

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June 3, 2013