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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400
Widebody Values Continue To Achieve Stability
The widebody segment of the market, at least in terms of newer equipment, has continued to improve. While the focus of attention may be firmly on the extensive backlog of narrowbodies, the widebody segment is also experiencing a shortage. As the finances of long-haul operators has improved there has been…

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April 2, 2007
Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rate Listing
Incremental Rise in Lease Rentals Persists The imbalance between supply and demand in favor of the latter has continued to allow lease rentals of newer equipment further improvement. For over two years lease rentals have enjoyed a substantive revival. Lease rentals of such popular aircraft were less than $200,000 during…

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March 19, 2007
Bargain Basement Price for Late Build B747-300s?
The acquisition of four B747-300s by Russian carrier, Transaero, previously operated by JAL are likely to have been acquired for a knock-down price. The lack of affordable widebody capacity is prompting operators to seek alternative equipment. The Ripple Effect, whereby less desirable types are acquired for short- to medium-term use…

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March 5, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment -- B747-200B
Market Presence. When comparing the B747-200B and A380, the chasm in terms of technology becomes all too evident. The three-person flight deck; clockwork instrumentation; 1950s vintage structure (the B747 fuselage is a derivative of the B707); comparatively basic interior (though carrier Virgin spent millions on presenting the most modern of…

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March 5, 2007
Widebody Rentals Still On The Up
The Lease Rentals Of Widebodies Continue To Rise As The Market Enjoys Sustained Growth. The market conditions of today are increasingly reminiscent of the late 1980s. Lease rentals of used widebody equipment experienced a surge in the late 1980s as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas struggled to introduce the MD11 and…

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February 5, 2007
Enthusiastic Welcome For A330-200F Likely To See Strong Residuals
"Attractive" Pricing Expected For Launch Customers The new A330-200F met with considerable interest from a variety of lessors and operators such that current and residual values of the type should perform well in the short to medium term. The new A330-200F is much needed by Airbus for a variety of…

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February 5, 2007
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Of Old & New Continue To Diverge While the values of more modern aircraft continue to improve, those of older types face terminal decline in the face of a sustained rise in fuel prices and escalating maintenance costs. The majority of aircraft in mainstream production, particularly the narrowbodies, are…

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January 8, 2007
A340-300 Values Remain Weak
The virtual absence of orders for the A340-300 in recent years continues to undermine values even though lease rentals may be showing a measure of stability. The long-range capability of the A340-300 has to date provided a measure of comfort for the type. The reasonable popularity of the A340-300 stems…

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November 27, 2006