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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400
B777-300 Values Continue to Dive
As expected values, of the B777-300 continue to experience a significant decline. The -300 has been under pressure for a number of years, even before the onset of the recession. The limited range of the -300 has been a major problem for the aircraft, hence only 60 orders being placed.…

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July 6, 2009
A380 Values On Watch Status As Customers Consider Options
Aversion to Large Capactiy During Weaker Times But Not Long Term Issue The values of the A380 have become the latest, amidst a myriad of other types, to be placed “On Watch” status as key customers voice concerns over the future viability of the product, at least in their own…

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June 22, 2009
Widebody Values Continue to Fall
The parting out of a 19 year old B747-400 by Air New Zealand underlines the severity of the market. Values of even the most popular of aircraft have fallen as the market fails to improve. The contraction of fleets, the delivery of new aircraft and the loss of premium traffic…

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June 22, 2009
Scrapping of B767-300s Highlights Dangers for Ageing Marginalized Types
The sale of two 1986 B767-300s – the first to be built – by Japan Airlines to GA Telesis for part out underlines the problem of projecting values for 25 years or more. The two B767-300s (serial numbers 23216/23217), members of a family still held in high regard, are to…

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June 8, 2009
B777-200ER Values Continue To Decline
Despite past success, the B777-200ER is facing tough times such that values have experienced more than a modest fall during the course of the last twelve months. The expansion of the customer base and on-going popularity persuaded financial institutions to participate in sale and leasebacks and other financing instruments. Fortunately,…

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May 25, 2009
Asking Prices Start to Become More Realistic
The much more somber mood of the market is at last translating into more realistic asking prices for most aircraft though there remain some anomalies. The B737-300 is available in quantity such that buyers can take their pick. A 1989 aircraft is priced at $8.5 million while another of the…

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May 25, 2009
B737-700 Values Suffer As Crisis Deepens
The market has moved on from the period 2002-2004 when the recession failed to materially dent the values of the B737-700. With a much larger and vulnerable fleet values of the B737-700 have fallen by some 12 percent over the course of the last six months with further declines likely.…

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April 27, 2009
Engine Values Experience Falls As Fleets Contract
Engines have been seen as something of a safe haven given greater lease return potential as well as longevity but as the demand for spare engines has fallen so then so have values. Hundreds of aircraft have been placed into storage over the last year and more are destined to…

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March 16, 2009