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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400
Post Conversion Values May Not Equal Cost
With PacAvi (subsidiary of AerCap) due to announce its launch customer this month for the A320 family conversion program, there is renewed interest in the narrowbody conversion program given that Airbus has already reinstated its modification and that the B737-800 is also set to be a freighter. While the narrowbody…

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October 5, 2015
Rentals of Newer Types Remain Stable
The international travel market continues to be stable but uncertainty surrounding the world economy is undermining the high yielding sector. The contraction of the oil business which generates so many business flights, particularly at short notice, has had a notable effect already. The larger widebody twins remain in demand sometimes…

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October 5, 2015
B747-400ERFs Go Under the Hammer for Starting Price of “$70 million” Each
The market for the B747-400 freighter continues to be extremely difficult and values have been tumbling for some years but the use of an auction to secure interest is reminiscent of the mid 1990s. Auctions come about when the market for specific aircraft types is limited and the appetite for…

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October 5, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B747-200B
Market Presence. When comparing the B747-200B and A380, the chasm in terms of technology becomes all too evident. The three person flight deck; clockwork instrumentation; 1950s vintage structure (the B747 fuselage is a derivative of the B707); comparatively basic interior (though carriers Virgin spent millions on presenting the most modern…

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September 25, 2015
Values of the -8I Continue to Tumble
The values of the -8I are sorely exposed to the vagaries of the market and as such have continued to deteriorate such that production may not last to the end of the decade. The market for the B747-8I, given the 51 orders and 35 deliveries, remains much more restricted than…

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September 21, 2015
Values of Larger Used Widebodies Continue to Decline
Values of the larger used widebodies are continuing to fall despite record backlogs, high load factors and lower fuel prices and this rate of decline is expected to accelerate in the coming years as the preference for newer, more versatile and economic aircraft increases. Demand patterns for larger widebodies have…

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September 21, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The development of the B747-8I improves the operating economics of the type. Airbus indicate that the A380 currently offers a 15-20 percent efficiency improvement over the B747-400. The larger -8I makes the differential much more marginal. With the B747 perceived to be a known quantity and proven product…

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September 21, 2015
Values Continue to Fall for Most Widebodies
Apart from the B787 and A350 values of nearly all widebodies have fallen as the market continues to prefer newer aircraft types. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered suitability for asset based financing over a…

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August 24, 2015