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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400
A340-300 Values at Scrap Levels
The values of the A340-300 have continued to fall such they are now at virtually scrap levels. At least 40 have been scrapped and a similar number are lying idle in storage with little likelihood of being returned to service. The aircraft has increasingly been replaced by newer twins and…

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April 2, 2018
Despite Strong Traffic Widebody Values Weaken
As the product line transitions to new types, operators are disposing of their older equipment and the problem is that some of the capacity being released is too large for second tier operators – unless the price is sufficiently low. The fall in widebody values continues to equate to around…

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March 5, 2018
Competition for Newer A320ceos Sees High Prices But Low Lease Rates?
The continued growth of the market, in terms of traffic and desire to participate in aviation financing, is fueling a rise in willingness to pay above value prices for aircraft while at the same time, accepting sometimes lower than market rentals. Compared with a decade ago when there were perhaps…

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February 5, 2018
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Outgoing Widebodies Weaken With B777-200ER Vulnerable The values of widebodies in the process of being replaced by new types are experiencing further weakness as supply still outstrips demand despite above trend growth. The demand for leased narrowbody aircraft continues to rise with the lessors failing to satisfy demand…

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January 8, 2018
Widebody Lease Rentals Weaker Than Expected
With traffic still being above the long term trend and a strong backlog for most widebodies, lease rentals would also be expected to be high but such is the availability from lessors and retention of older widebodies due to lower fuel prices, that rentals are relatively low. Secondary leasing of…

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December 11, 2017
Two B747-400ERFs Bought at Auction for $49 million
The two B747-400ERFs previously operated by defunct Jade Cargo International have been bought for a total of approximately $49 million (322.8 million yuan) during an auction which saw a large number of bidders. The auction was hosted by Alibaba’s Taobao e- shopping site and represented one of the largest aircraft…

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December 11, 2017
B747-400 Lease Rentals Continue to Fall As Operators Divest
The lease rentals of the B747-400 are a shadow of their former levels which is no surprise in view of the divesting from long term operators and the lack of attraction among second and third tier operators. Introduced in 1989, the oldest passenger B747-400 is now nearly 30 years of…

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November 13, 2017
A330-900 Flies As Values Edge Downwards
No Values for A330-800 As Only Order Under Threat The first flight of A330-900 took place on the 19th October although values of the type may take some time to validate. While the arrival of the re-engined A320neo and B737MAX seemed to herald a new era for the narrowbody segment…

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October 30, 2017