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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-800
Transaction Pricing Favor Newer Aircraft
The recent Dublin Air Finance conference saw the mood of cautious optimism contrast with the gloom of a year ago. The market is perceived to be bumbling along the bottom of the cycle, having essentially stopped falling. The consensus assumes that any upturn in the fortunes of the airlines will…

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February 1, 2010
JAL Restructuring Underlines MD90 Vulnerability
As part of its restructuring JAL is to divest itself of its fleet of some 16 MD90s. The type has always subject to waning values for perhaps a decade. Despite the JAL issue Delta has announced that it will acquire nine MD90s from China Eastern as well as two from…

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February 1, 2010
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for October 31st 2009 current values represent…

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January 4, 2010
Annus Horribilis for Values
Values & Lease Rentals Experienced Significant Declines in 2009 The values of all aircraft have experienced a substantive fall during the course of 2009 and there continues to be an expectation that 2010 will see further declines as the aviation market struggles to emerge from recession. Values of all aircraft…

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December 7, 2009
Low Point for Narrowbody Values Approaching
The values of the more modern narrowbodies have experienced a virtually unprecedented decline over the course of the last two years. Having experienced such a fall, there are likely to be lesser declines in the near future. However, an improvement is not expected until 2011. With the peak in values…

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November 23, 2009
Asking Prices for Aircraft Continue to Show Optimism
Despite the surfeit of adverse news, there continues to be trading activity such that the market is far from illiquid, contrasting perhaps with the months immediately following September 2001. A 1991 A300-600 is being advertised for $11 million, which is nearly double the assumed value. The A300-600 is facing considerable…

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November 9, 2009
Recovery In Rentals Still Six Months Away
Lease rentals of even the more popular aircraft types are considered to have sustained further falls in the context of still fragile demand. Comparing lease rentals on a like for like basis can be difficult given the influence of interest rates. The lack of credit initially drove LIBOR up despite…

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October 26, 2009
Asking Prices Become More Realistic
Asking prices for used aircraft have at last become much more realistic in response to the continuing deterioration in the market. A 1991 A300-600R is being offered at $11 million fresh a C check. This price is slightly higher than the current market value of around $10 million but any…

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August 17, 2009