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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-800
B737-400 Values Face Challenging Times
The values of the B737-400 have continued to deteriorate in recent years as the type is withdrawn from service by mainline carriers in favor of such aircraft as the A320 and B737-800. Over the period 2004-2007 rentals of the B737-400 had been improving but since then have experienced significant declines.…

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January 30, 2012
Lease Rentals Continue to Edge Down
The recent recovery in lease rentals from the depths of the Great Recession seems to have passed a peak as lease rentals on the mainstream narrowbodies continue to edge down slightly. The reason for lower rentals stems from the reconnection of the aviation industry to the wider economic malaise. In…

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January 30, 2012
MD90 Values Remain Under Pressure
The values of the MD90 are increasingly facing weakness as the type transitions into obscurity despite still possessing attractive operating economics. The type has always subject to waning values for perhaps a decade although Delta remains an admirer though as with Northwest with the DC9, this will count for naught…

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December 5, 2011
Values of Newer Narrowbodies Still Stable
The change in the narrowbody product line up over the next decade and the economic uncertainty that pervades the Europe and global economy have yet to touch values of new aircraft. Orders continue to be placed and delivery rates increased. While demand exists the question is increasingly one of where…

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November 21, 2011
Boeing List Prices for 2011 Jump Nearly 5 Percent
List prices for Boeing aircraft rose by an average of nearly five percent between 2010 and 2011, outpacing normal inflation but perhaps reflecting not inconsiderable energy and labor pricing pressures. The inexorable rise in list prices has little relevance to market forces. List prices from manufacturers have risen whether the…

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November 7, 2011
Asking Prices Continue to Remain Optimistic
The prices being asked of aircraft continues to be in the mainly optimistic, particularly for newer aircraft types, though those being quoted for older aircraft are more in line with expectations. A total of seven A300-600s, built between 1993 and 1996, have an asking price of $12 million each which…

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October 24, 2011
Values of B777Fs Remain Stable
While the airfreight sector begins to appreciate that the weakness of the global economy will continue to place pressure on yields as traffic stagnates, the sustained appetite for the B777F is notable as is the ability of values to resist the downward pressure that is affecting so many other freighter…

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October 24, 2011
Newer Narrowbody Values Stable
Despite the certainty of change in the narrowbody sector in the coming years, the values of the newer examples are showing a measure of stability. Economic uncertainty however, is proving to be a contradictory force. TAM for example is due to accept 13 new A320s in the near future but…

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September 12, 2011