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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-600
Aircraft Asset Assessment: A318
Market Presence. The high gross weight A318s are a match for the B737-600, something that was lacking with the original payload/range objectives. However, a 100 seater usually flies shorter sectors such that flight times are likely to approximate an hour. The difference in MTOWs has a significant effect on range…

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March 23, 2015
Rentals for 70-80 Seaters Face Modest Weakness
The values of the 70-80 seaters are experiencing a slight decline in the context of the preference for larger equipment and the ageing nature of the product range. The lower price of fuel offers operators at this end of the market the opportunity to make more money given that the…

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March 9, 2015
Mid Life Aircraft Rentals Edge Down
While there continues to be exceptional demand for narrowbodies the mid life aircraft (MLA) are available in greater numbers which is perhaps seeing a slight drop in rentals, albeit compounded by the prospect of lower interest rates for longer than previously expected. or Rates are quoted in thousands…

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February 9, 2015
Peak for Existing Products Despite Backlog
While there are thousands of aircraft on backlog, the transition to the product lines are keeping values realistic. The smaller backlog of 2006-2007 caused values to climb to new heights largely because production rates were of a lesser magnitude and due to a stable product line up. Today manufacturers are…

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December 1, 2014
Rentals for Newer Narrowbodies Remain Stable
The demand for newer narrowbodies continues such that the orders secured by Boeing in the first nine months of 2014 surpassed expectations for the year as a whole. Similarly, Airbus has continued to record new orders. Macro factors are now contributing to an element of stability for lease rentals as…

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November 3, 2014
Age Related Declines Take Effect
The values of most narrowbodies in production are experiencing age related declines. In normal balanced market conditions, values of aircraft should decline by some 5-7 percent per annum. When the market is strong such a decline is less evident and when times are adverse, values can fall by a much…

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September 8, 2014
B717 Values Remain Static
The fall in values of the B717 is much less pronounced than in previous years now that there is a measure of equilibrium between efficiency, demand and capital cost. However, the type continues to suffer from marginalization as a consequence of a limiter production run and an operator base that…

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July 28, 2014
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B717
Market Presence. The lack of success for the B717 has little to do with its performance and capability. The ruggedness of the design has made it ideal for short haul operations. In-service experience has also proven that efficiency was better than forecast. Such is the capability of the aircraft that…

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July 28, 2014
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