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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B727-200FA
Weak Airfreight Market Contains Values
The market for airfreight, despite the runup to the festive season, continues to be sufficiently lack luster as to ensure that there is no improvement in freighter values. The announcement that a B777-300ER conversion program is underway, coupled with discussions around a freighter version of the B777-8, may provide an…

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November 25, 2019
Freighter Values Fail to Advance
The weaker airfreight market has inevitably caused some weakness in the values of freighter aircraft although there remains considerable appetite for some types. Whereas most of 2018 saw a significant improvement in the market this has not been replicated in 2019. The appetite for additional capacity is not what it…

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August 5, 2019
Freighter Values Remain Stable
The market for airfreight continues to be strong despite some recent data which shows a distinct slowdown. The slowdown for March 2018 compared to the previous March was only 1.7 percent according to IATA. This meant that the 4.4 percent rise in capacity saw a lower load factor. Even so…

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May 14, 2018
Values Achieve Stability if Not Improvement
The improvement in airfreight traffic continues and this is allowing some capacity to be reabsorbed into the market and as such values for most freighters is stable and possibly rising. The growth in airfreight is however, not being solely met by the dedicated freighters but is also being served by…

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February 5, 2018
Improving Freighter Market Aids Values
The airfreight market in 2017 has enjoyed growth not seen for a number of years and this has allowed values to enjoy a measure of After nearly a decade of suffering from weak results that lead to speculation that there was no future for airfreight, the recent improvement in traffic…

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October 2, 2017
Some Freighters Remain in Demand
The market for freighters remains fragile at best though there are some types – notably the narrowbodies – that remain in demand. Momentum is building for the conversion of the B737-800 and with lessors having a large number of older examples at low capital cost this means of onward disposal…

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October 31, 2016
Freighter Values Show No Improvement
Although the narrowbody sector continues to show promise, the dismal economic news from China weighs heavily on the widebody sector such that production of the B747-8F is reduced again. Values of both narrow and widebody freighters are failing to experience any improvement. The load factors being achieved are lower than…

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March 21, 2016
Freighter Values Still Face Uncertainty
The demand for the larger freighters, particularly those no longer in production, remains sporadic. The values of such aircraft are therefore inevitably weak with further declines to be expected. Chinese industrial growth remains in single digits with little improvement expected in the near term and Japan has slipped back into…

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November 30, 2015
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