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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B727-100H
Rentals Start To Face Weakness
In the latter part of 2004, lease rentals of narrowbodies no longer in production reached their peak. Since the end of 2004, the high price of fuel has played a significant role in forcing operators to consider more modern and efficient alternatives. The sustained high price of fuel has meant…

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June 13, 2005
Rentals Improve Sporadically
The high price of fuel, the improvement in market conditions and increased airline profitability, and new aircraft discounting are all reducing the emphasis on lease rentals of some older aircraft, although interest rates may be pulling in the opposite direction. Lease rentals on Stage 2 aircraft and some first generation…

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January 10, 2005
Rentals Close to Cyclic Peak
After a period of 12 to 18 months, the recovery of rentals of "aircraft no longer in production" appear to be nearing their cyclic peak. Notwithstanding a further hike in interest rates, which would provide for a further stimulus in rentals, rentals levels have already experienced a 20 to 30…

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September 20, 2004
Rentals Face Fresh Challenges
Despite rentals of some narrowbodies exhibiting a recovery over the last year, there is still the prospect of further weakness should US Airways [UAIR] or Delta Air Lines [DAL] falter. The rentals of older widebodies have improved over the last year. The B737-300 experienced a decline in rates to less…

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June 14, 2004
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