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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B707-320CH
Rise in Older Narrowbody Rentals Slows
The rise in the rentals of older aircraft has slowed so that the preceding three months has seen only a modest increase. Some examples of narrowbodies no longer in production remain in considerable demand, which allows for rates to register a slight improvement. But the extensive backlog for newer products…

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May 1, 2006
Freighter Rentals Manage to Move Higher Still
Lease rentals for freighters have continued to edge up, even though freight forwarders are having to impose fuel surcharges on cargo rates. Demand for cargo space is still outstripping supply, at least for high-volume aircraft that offer the lowest unit operating costs. On routes that cannot support MD11s and B747s,…

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March 20, 2006
Strong Demand for Cargo Overcomes Lean Quarter
The first quarter of the year is always a lean period for cargo carriers after the end-of-the-year holiday rush. But in this climate of sustained economic growth, there continues to be demand for capacity. The need for military lift has also played an important role in sustaining the demand for…

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March 6, 2006
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise The year 2006 will be the best year for Boeing's order book in nearly 20 years, underlining the continued improvement in values of those aircraft still in production. While the price of fuel has remained obstinately high, the market has continued to…

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January 9, 2006
Rentals Reach Their Zenith
The revival in the fortunes of out of production narrowbody lease rentals appears to be running out of steam despite the absence of more modern equipment. Rentals of out of production narrowbodies have enjoyed substantial gains over the last 18 months, sufficient to recoup much of the decline experienced in…

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December 12, 2005
Upcoming Peak Season Ensures Strong Demand
The imminent arrival of the peak holiday season ensures that the demand for cargo space remains strong. Lease rentals of a number of types continue to improve due to the shortage of capacity, though the high price of fuel is playing a large role in operators turning their attention to…

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November 14, 2005
Capacity Shortage Forces Rentals Higher
The demand for cargo capacity seems insatiable, despite the high price of fuel. There is now a shortage of quality and modern equipment capable of accommodating the needs of operators, and lease rentals are rising as a result. High fuel prices have yet to have made a discernible impact on…

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October 31, 2005
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Newer Aircraft Types on the Up In the current climate of high fuel prices, the values of newer aircraft types that offer greater fuel efficiency have risen further over the last six months. There is a growing disparity between supply and demand. While there was an imbalance in…

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September 5, 2005
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