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Aircraft Archive: B787-9
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The A340-500 offered much when proposed but the mistake lay in maintaining a flawed philosophy. The four engines seemingly provided reliability and safety but it was already evident that two engines would also provide efficiency and safety. The A340-500 may have been the cheaper option to develop but…

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December 11, 2017
Widebody Lease Rentals Weaker Than Expected
With traffic still being above the long term trend and a strong backlog for most widebodies, lease rentals would also be expected to be high but such is the availability from lessors and retention of older widebodies due to lower fuel prices, that rentals are relatively low. Secondary leasing of…

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December 11, 2017
A330-900 Flies As Values Edge Downwards
No Values for A330-800 As Only Order Under Threat The first flight of A330-900 took place on the 19th October although values of the type may take some time to validate. While the arrival of the re-engined A320neo and B737MAX seemed to herald a new era for the narrowbody segment…

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October 30, 2017
American Airlines EETC 2017-2 Sees Consistency Among Appraisers
The 23 aircraft comprising the American 2017-2 EETC transaction showed reasonable consistency among the three appraisers although the annual decline in future values again was relatively optimistic. The ISTAT European conference held in Edinburgh in late September highlighted the use of the same appraisers for the EETC and ABS transactions…

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October 16, 2017
B787-8 Rentals Continue to Dip
The lease rentals of the B787-8 continue to move downwards such that they are becoming ever more affordable to second tier carriers should they be released. The B787-8 has been in service for approximately seven years and it is little wonder that lease rentals should have featured a significant decline.…

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October 16, 2017
Some Widebody Rentals Remain Under Pressure
With still above trend traffic growth even in the international arena there may be an expectation that lease rentals would remain stable but for the larger widebodies in particular, the relative strength of lease rentals is not dependent on traffic growth alone. Major influences impacting widebody lease include the arrival…

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October 2, 2017
A350-1000 Orderbook Reduction Yet to Impact Values
United & Cathay Switch Orders to -900 The high-profile switch of orders from the A350-1000 to the smaller -900 by two primary customers represents a cause for concern with regard to values of the former if no new orders are forthcoming and if other customers undertake similar changes. United Airlines…

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October 2, 2017
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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August 21, 2017
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