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Aircraft Archive: B787-8
Rentals of Newer Types Remain Stable
The international travel market continues to be stable but uncertainty surrounding the world economy is undermining the high yielding sector. The contraction of the oil business which generates so many business flights, particularly at short notice, has had a notable effect already. The larger widebody twins remain in demand sometimes…

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October 5, 2015
Values Decline as Number of B767-300ERs in Storage Rises
Despite the lower price of fuel which should favor used aircraft the fortunes of the B767-300ER continue to deteriorate with both values and lease rates continuing to fall as the number of examples in storage increases to represent an excess. There have been 583 B767-300ER orders since 1988, all of…

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August 24, 2015
Values Continue to Fall for Most Widebodies
Apart from the B787 and A350 values of nearly all widebodies have fallen as the market continues to prefer newer aircraft types. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered suitability for asset based financing over a…

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August 24, 2015
B787-8 Secures Credibility
While the initial premium for the first off the line has evaporated, those units delivered thereafter are gaining from the much improved reliability and production enhancements such that values are rising for new aircraft. As expected the delay to the service entry of the type combined with specification differences has…

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August 24, 2015
Newer Widebody Rentals Reflect Stable Market
The lease rentals of widebodies are generally holding steady though some older types, including those of early B777-300ERs are experiencing some weakness. The international market continues to expand with traffic continuing to meet or exceed expectations though the amount of business related traffic remains fragile. Demand for newer widebodies continues…

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June 29, 2015
Values Continue to Ease Back
Orders for widebodies continue to be placed in numbers but the demand for older aircraft and the transition to newer types is leaving some types exposed such that values are facing a measure of weakness. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value…

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May 18, 2015
Values of B787-9 Continue to Improve
In sharp contrast to the fanfare that accompanied the rolling out of the B787-8, which then featured interminable delays, the development of the -9 and its service entry has been much more muted with good in-service performance underlining stronger values and obviating the need for high profile publicity. The airlines,…

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May 18, 2015
Emirates A380 Engine Switch Advances Potential “neo”
The decision by Emirates to select Rolls-Royce engines in a switch from Engine Alliance, who have supplied its engines for the A380 to date, is significant because it offers a more balanced number of installed engines between the two engine manufacturers but more importantly potentially signals the development of the…

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May 4, 2015
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