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Aircraft Archive: B787-10
Leasing Still Attracting New Players As Rates Mostly Remain Stable
Competition Intensifying Which Could Impact Rentals The profits being secured by the lessors continues to be between 15-20 percent thus underlining the continued relative attraction of aircraft leasing compared other asset classes such as shipping and real estate. The leasing of aircraft continues to increase despite as yet proven speculation…

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March 6, 2017
Capacity of B777-300 Fails to Halt Fall in Values
The -300 has considerable capacity but lacks the range of the -300ER and as such values are continuing to fall. The operator base has always been limited with only 60 ever having been built. A -300 has recently been lost as a result of a crash at Dubai and a…

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October 31, 2016
Changing Market Structure Impacting Residual Values
The market structure, as it impacts values, is not a constant but is rather continually changing such that the aircraft held in high regard today will not be so sought after in the future, requiring that residual value projections anticipate such changes rather than extrapolate past trends. To appreciate the…

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October 17, 2016
Rentals Continue to Fall for Older Examples
The lease rentals of older widebody aircraft continue to fall as the market moves to newer types. Sale and leaseback transactions, which constitute an increasingly large proportion of new aircraft deliveries, continue to involve higher lease rates than those attributed to vanilla dry operating lease rentals. Lease rentals are provided…

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October 17, 2016
Rentals Continue to be Competitive
The lease rentals of newer aircraft continue to be competitive in the face of transitioning issues and new deliveries but any substantive weakness is confined to known issues with a handful of types. Sale and leaseback transactions, which constitute an increasingly large proportion of new aircraft deliveries, continue to involve…

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August 22, 2016
Aircraft Asset Assessment A350-900
  Market Presence. As of the end of October 2015 a total of 787 orders had been placed for the A350. The orderbook has undergone a notable increase since 2013 when some 600 had been ordered. The customer base is extensive at 43 including seven lessors and private operators. The…

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November 30, 2015
Values Strong Despite Slow Delivery Rate
While Airbus at last seems intent on increasing production to an eventual ten per month, the very limited number of deliveries to date has not gone unnoticed. As of the end of October 2015 only ten had been delivered over the course of nearly twelve months. In the first year…

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November 30, 2015
Values of B787-9 Continue to Improve
In sharp contrast to the fanfare that accompanied the rolling out of the B787-8, which then featured interminable delays, the development of the -9 and its service entry has been much more muted with good in-service performance underlining stronger values and obviating the need for high profile publicity. The airlines,…

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May 18, 2015
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