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Aircraft Archive: B787-10
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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June 25, 2018
Status Quo on Values Will Disappear By 2030
New Technology, New Types & Low Inflation Will Cause Residuals to Change This decade has witnessed a tumultuous change in value behavior and the next decade will likely see further significant alterations to the market and product structure such that existing residual value forecasts – particularly base value projections –…

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May 28, 2018
Values of B787-9 Stable
In sharp contrast to the fanfare that accompanied the rolling out of the B787-8, which then featured interminable delays, the development of the -9 and its service entry has been much more muted with good in-service performance underlining stronger values and obviating the need for high profile publicity. The values…

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May 28, 2018
…..As B797 Launch Draws Ever Nearer Affecting Residuals of Existing Types
Boeing is likely to have undertaken considerable work on the B797 even if the formal launch is not expected until next year. The entry into service date is still expected in 2025 although based on past performance of modern aircraft development periods, this could easily slip into 2026. To some…

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May 28, 2018
No Premium for B787-10 Despite First Trouble Free Delivery to SIA
The delivery of the first B787-10 to Singapore Airlines has failed to inspire the market perhaps because it represents a conservative development of what is an innovative program. The B787-10 has garnered a total of 171 orders from ten customers. Of these customers Air Lease has placed orders for 25…

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April 16, 2018
SLBs Deals Belie Mid Life Rental Weakness
The number of sale and leasebacks continue with financial institutions buying used as well as new aircraft from both first and second tier operators. The SLB transactions, featuring higher rentals, can distort the real vanilla operating lease rates being paid for widebodies. On a standalone basis, the rates for widebodies…

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April 16, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment- A340-300
Market Presence. The A340-300 has previously provided operators with considerable operating flexibility but no longer. The four-engine configuration, combined with long haul capability, opened up a number of routes unable to support either the larger B777-300ER or the ETOPs constrained twin engined B777-200ER. The –300 has CFM56-5 engines while the…

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April 2, 2018
Widebody Lease Rentals Weaker Than Expected
With traffic still being above the long term trend and a strong backlog for most widebodies, lease rentals would also be expected to be high but such is the availability from lessors and retention of older widebodies due to lower fuel prices, that rentals are relatively low. Secondary leasing of…

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December 11, 2017
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