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Aircraft Archive: B777F
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
The problems in the Eurozone, and elsewhere in the advanced economies, are continuing to affect disposal income and discretionary travel to a larger extent than perhaps during the midst of the Great Recession. Inflationary pressures associated with higher fuel and food prices are reducing the amount of cash available to…

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January 14, 2013
Limited Airfreight Makes for Weak Values
The lack of significant improvement in the airfreight market continues to plague values with Singapore Airlines being the latest to announce that a B747-400F is to be withdrawn from service due to limited traffic. The peak Christmas period will soon allow operators to experience an improvement in traffic but without…

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November 19, 2012
MD11F Values Fade As Airfreight Market Remains in Doldrums
The stability for values of the MD11F once seemed assured but the lengthy depressed state of the airfreight market has increasingly seen the displacement of the type and values have inevitably experienced a notable decline. Nearly a decade ago the small package operators were eagerly searching MD11s for conversion to…

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November 19, 2012
Lease Rentals Continue to Falter
The lease rentals of the freighter fleet continue to experience weakness. With the run up to the peak Christmas period comes the potential for increased demand as consumers shop for electronic goods. Unfortunately overall freight traffic remains weak such that long standing freight operators, Southern Air, has filed for Chapter…

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October 22, 2012
Freighter Values Continue to Experience Weakness
The airfreight market remains in the doldrums which is causing particular concern for values. The airfreight traffic for June as reported by IATA showed only the most modest of improvements. The only bright spot was the Middle East which showed double digit growth. With only 0.8 percent increase in traffic…

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August 13, 2012
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Continue to Experience Modest Falls As Market Remains Weak Values of some aircraft are continuing to experience falls as operators still seek to cope with variable traffic, reduced yields and fluctuating fuel prices. The world economy and the problems of ever more European countries will likely cause further uncertainty.…

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July 2, 2012
Freighter Values Experience Material Fall
While there are some indications that the airfreight market is beginning to improve, the reality is that demand is still at odds with capacity and as such values have experienced a material fall over the last few months. The freight load factor remained significantly below 50 percent indicating that demand…

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May 21, 2012
Values of A340-300 Unmoved by Novel Freighter Converison
The A340-300 market continues to wane not least because of the absence of a freighter conversion program that would have helped to reduce the level of availability as examples are retried from passenger service. A novel freighter conversion modification proposed for the A340 would offer an alternative to parting out.…

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April 9, 2012
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