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Aircraft Archive: B737-900ER
Lease Rentals Stable Despite Backlog
Based on strong traffic growth and a record backlog lease rentals should be rising but competition among lessors is still sufficiently strong as to keep lease rentals stable. The competition from newer lessors eager to secure market share as quickly as possible are allowing the less financially secure lessees to…

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May 18, 2015
Values Remain Large Stable Aided by Fuel Price
The lower price of fuel is providing a measure of breathing space for used narrowbodies. The values of used aircraft have been under pressure as a result of the drive towards newer aircraft that offer greater efficiency. Now that the differential in operating costs is being narrowed there is lesser…

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March 23, 2015
Mid Life Aircraft Rentals Edge Down
While there continues to be exceptional demand for narrowbodies the mid life aircraft (MLA) are available in greater numbers which is perhaps seeing a slight drop in rentals, albeit compounded by the prospect of lower interest rates for longer than previously expected. or Rates are quoted in thousands…

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February 9, 2015
Peak for Existing Products Despite Backlog
While there are thousands of aircraft on backlog, the transition to the product lines are keeping values realistic. The smaller backlog of 2006-2007 caused values to climb to new heights largely because production rates were of a lesser magnitude and due to a stable product line up. Today manufacturers are…

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December 1, 2014
Values of A321neo Likely to be Enhanced by 97t Variant
The values of the A321neo are already achieving a premium above those of the B737-9MAX but the proposed 97 tonne variant will likely see a further improvement and reduce the potential for any B757 replacement from Boeing. At present there still exists no direct replacement for the B757, a type…

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November 3, 2014
Rentals for Newer Narrowbodies Remain Stable
The demand for newer narrowbodies continues such that the orders secured by Boeing in the first nine months of 2014 surpassed expectations for the year as a whole. Similarly, Airbus has continued to record new orders. Macro factors are now contributing to an element of stability for lease rentals as…

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November 3, 2014
Launch of B737-MAX200 Helps to Keep Values Ahead of A320neo
The launch of the 200 version of the B737-MAX8 paves the way for values of the B737-MAX to continue to warrant a premium over the A320neo. In developing the new re-engined narrowbodies both Airbus and Boeing have been conscious of the need to meet the needs of operators today -…

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September 22, 2014
Age Related Declines Take Effect
The values of most narrowbodies in production are experiencing age related declines. In normal balanced market conditions, values of aircraft should decline by some 5-7 percent per annum. When the market is strong such a decline is less evident and when times are adverse, values can fall by a much…

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September 8, 2014
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