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Aircraft Archive: B737-900ER
Prices of Airliner Type Business Jets Buck Trend
If the values of commercial aircraft exhibited the types of declines experienced by the large business jets this would constitute a virtual collapse but airliner examples are managing to sidestep such issues. Airliner types – particularly the larger examples – are enjoying a measure of stability not least because of…

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September 19, 2016
Paucity of Orders Not Impacting Rentals
While the manufacturers may be finding it difficult to secure the number of orders seen in recent years, the imnpact of any perceived weakness in terms of demand has not impacted rentals of most narrowbodies still in production. The surge in the leasing of aircraft offering the ability to secure…

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September 19, 2016
Residuals of A321-200s Continue to Hog Limelight
The imperative for a response from Boeing is becoming ever more pronounced as more orders for the A321are announced and as the potential differential in A321neo and B737MAX9 residuals divergences further. Most lessors have previously avoided the A321 as the leasing opportunities were perceived to be limited to the mainline…

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September 19, 2016
United EETC Continues to See Strong Values
18 Aircraft Comprise Young Aircraft for EETC 2016-1 The appetite for the EETCs (Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificates) and ABS (Asset Backed Securitizations) transactions continues apace with United Airlines financing 18 aircraft. The 18 aircraft comprise either very young aircraft as well as those due to be delivered through to March…

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September 5, 2016
AVAC Aircraft Ratings See Fall in Narrowbody Scores
The Aircraft Ratings of in production narrowbodies have suffered in the latest update published by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company Ltd (AVAC The next seven years will be characterized by a sweeping change in the product line. Very few of those aircraft currently in production and being delivered today,…

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July 11, 2016
United Airlines EETC Show Bullish Values
The United Airlines 2015-1 EETC of November 2015 continued to show strong values for the B737-900ER from three appraisers. The United Airlines EETC comprises six newer B737-900ERS delivered between August and October 2015 as well as four B787-9s delivered between September and November 2015. The aggregate appraised value of the…

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June 13, 2016
Residuals of A350-1000 Continue to Face Uncertainty as -2000 is Debated
The residual values of the A350-1000 may have been calculated but there remains some indecision as to whether these may need to be calculated in view of the momentum for a -2000. The -2000 involves a stretch to the -1000 and would enable a seating capacity of some 400 seats…

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June 13, 2016
Rentals Remain Stable
The rate of traffic growth continues to be above trend and this is allowing rentals to remain stable at least for the newer and MLA (Mid Life Aircraft) aircraft. The competition is intense among the lessors as more institutions enter the market and margins are therefore being impacted to some…

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May 30, 2016
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