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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Values & Rentals Face DC10-10 Fate
The B767-400 is a niche aircraft having never produced the type of demand envisaged by Boeing essentially filling a gap for a few customers. The B767-400 was only ever ordered by Delta and United although one was also delivered to BBJ and is currently operated by the Bahrain Government. With…

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April 30, 2018
Market Favors New Aircraft As Fuel Rises
The market for the narrowbodies remains strong at least for the newer aircraft types largely because of the sustained above trend passenger growth. IATA reported a 7.6 percent growth in passenger traffic in February although IATA does not represent all airlines. This compares with the average of approximately 5.5 percent…

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April 30, 2018
Widebody Market Continues to Cause Problems for Owners
Residuals of Aging Widebody Aircraft Fail to Live Up to Expectations Medium to long term residual values of widebodies have nearly always failed to match forecasts and even those held in high regard today will likely suffer the same fate as widebodies face different challenges from narrowbodies. The greater volatility…

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April 30, 2018
Regional Jet Values Experience Variability
The transition of the regional jet models to the E2 and the ageing of the CRJ series has inevitably started to have an impact on values. The current product line has been in existence for some 15 years and such an extensive life cycle inevitably means that there are a…

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April 16, 2018
No Premium for B787-10 Despite First Trouble Free Delivery to SIA
The delivery of the first B787-10 to Singapore Airlines has failed to inspire the market perhaps because it represents a conservative development of what is an innovative program. The B787-10 has garnered a total of 171 orders from ten customers. Of these customers Air Lease has placed orders for 25…

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April 16, 2018
Stability (Mostly) for Values & Rentals as Indicators Remain Positive
Replacement Models Continue to Erode Values of Outgoing Models The trend for commercial jet aircraft values and lease rentals generally remains positive as the Northern Hemisphere moves towards the peak season although not all types are managing to avoid a significant decline. The factors that can impact values encompass GDP,…

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April 16, 2018
Boeing Could be Affected by Trade War But Values Unaffected
The trade spat between the U.S. and China has spilled over to the aerospace sector but the effect on Boeing is relatively limited and will likely be of short duration. The imposition of a 25 percent duty on Boeing aircraft – yet to come into effect - initially affected Boeings…

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April 16, 2018
SLBs Deals Belie Mid Life Rental Weakness
The number of sale and leasebacks continue with financial institutions buying used as well as new aircraft from both first and second tier operators. The SLB transactions, featuring higher rentals, can distort the real vanilla operating lease rates being paid for widebodies. On a standalone basis, the rates for widebodies…

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April 16, 2018