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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Regional Aircraft List Prices Fail to Rise
Level of Discounting Still Less than Larger Aircraft While the list prices published by the manufacturers of larger commercial jets continue to present a substantive disconnect with the values of new aircraft, the list prices of regional jet makers have better, if still divergent, correlation. The difference between list prices…

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June 10, 2019
Values of ERJ145 Stable After Major Fall
The market for the E145 has not improved and while values have stabilized, these are at virtually scrap levels which should perhaps be of little surprise given the age of the type and change in market structure. The hike in the price of fuel caused significant problems for the 50…

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June 10, 2019
Turboprop Rentals Relevant to Popular Types
Leasing turboprops remains something of a specialist exercise at least if the maximum return is to be made. Because the value of a turboprop suitable for an operating lease ranges between $5-20 million this means that the returns can be relatively limited at least in dollar terms if not ROI.…

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June 10, 2019
Net Pricing of E190 Suffers As E2 Takes Over
Values of the E190 have experienced a variety of fortunes over the last 15 years with new net pricing suffering as the last of the line are delivered. The value of a new E190 has increased slightly from when the aircraft was first delivered in 2005. In 2005 the value…

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June 10, 2019
Value Added Options Continue to Require Percentage Adjustment
Adding Dollar Amount to Older Aircraft Distorts Values The MTOW has an important effect on the value as operational flexibility, in terms of the range of the aircraft and how many passengers/cargo can be carried, offers operators the opportunity to generate more revenue. Customers for aircraft usually have to pay…

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May 27, 2019
A330-900 Values Fail to Advance
The market for the A330-900 remains reasonable but values have not achieved the levels that were expected when the type was launched but then orders have been scarce for most widebodies over the last year. When the A330-900 was launched the fuel efficiency over the existing A330-200 and -300 was…

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May 27, 2019
Aircraft Market Assessment
The B737-900 Market Presence. The B737-900 has not proved to be a success. Just as the B757-300 and B767-400, the stretch to the existing B737-800 did not go far enough, leaving Airbus with a few more years in which to gain orders for the A321. The -900 is marginalized in…

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May 27, 2019
Values of Older Aircraft Should Less Than Half Life
The arrival of new types to the market during the course of this decade inevitably means that there is a greater likelihood of older types being parted out, even with record levels of traffic growth. The engines remain the key consideration when parting out an aircraft but the disposal of…

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May 27, 2019