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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
B717 Values Finally Reflect Reality
The B717 is facing new market realities due to the Covid Event. For so many years the vulnerability of the type was masked by the appetite from one or two operators but no longer. The veil has been lifted and the real level of demand in terms of the wider…

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October 12, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B717
Market Presence. Cobham, Delta, Hawaiian, and Volotea are the only operators of the B717. The lack of success for the B717 has little to do with its performance and capability. The ruggedness of the design made it ideal for short haul operations. In-service experience demonstrated that efficiency was better than…

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October 12, 2020
A330-200 Values Fail to Advance Due to Excess Storage Levels
The values and lease rentals of the A330-200 were discounted to a considerable degree at depths of the current downturn in April due to the Covid Event but while there has been some improvement, with only 35 percent of the fleet active, there is little evidence to suggest that an…

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October 12, 2020
Values of Newer Narrowbodies Start to Improve
Lower Storage Levels Allow Modest Rise in Values from April Depths The values of the newer narrowbodies have started to emerge from the depths of the recession but the process of recovery will be slow such that achieving parity with pre-Covid Event values will still take three to four years,…

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September 28, 2020
A220-500 May Serve As Stop Gap Until Arrival of Hydrogen Model
The prevailing market structure has been rattled by the Covid Event and while the manufacturers may be in the throes of stemming short term losses, there is immense pressure to be proactive in seeking solutions to the changes. Airbus, following on from the French Governments initiative to introduce a more…

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September 28, 2020
China Not Model for Recovery as Airport Data Shows Global Weakness
Market data continues to highlight the recovery of the Chinese domestic market but China is unusual and the same recovery pattern will be difficult to replicate elsewhere. The recovery in the China has been swift when compared to other regions. The depths of the downturn for domestic Chinese traffic was…

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September 28, 2020
Lower Net Pricing of New Aircraft Prompting Interest from Ryanair
While the large number of aircraft in storage and under-utilized is causing operators around the world to contract operations and park swathes of aircraft, Ryanair looks likely to announce a major order for the B737-10 taking advantage of the discounting that is now available for new aircraft in the short…

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September 28, 2020
Regional Jet Lease Rentals Remain Weak
There continues to be a perception that operators are moving down to regional jets in order to more match capacity with demand but while some existing operators are indeed returning regional jets to service ahead of mainline jets, there is no clear indication that there has been rush to acquire…

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September 28, 2020