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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
LATAM Auction on 14th April Includes A350-900’s & B787-9’s
The auction of 17 newer types represents a significant shift from the types of aircraft that are normally the subject of an auction and is one of the few times that newer aircraft have featured. The 17 aircraft to be auctioned form the assets of the LATAM 2015-1 EETC. The…

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March 29, 2021
Distressed Values Start to Lose Relevance – At Least for Some Types
The market is far from an imminent recovery and as such financial institutions still need to consider the previously unimaginable implication of selling aircraft during the Covid Event but at least some types have edged away from the abyss. The level of discounting needed to dispose of aircraft on a…

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March 29, 2021
Values of New B787-9’s Start to Rise
The significant fall in B787-9 production rates and deliveries underlines the severity of the current market conditions but as the international market is now showing signs of opening up by perhaps the end of the year, there will likely be renewed interest in operators seeking to right size aircraft for…

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March 29, 2021
Widebody Rentals Fail to Advance
The market for widebodies – at least passenger widebodies – remains fragile with international routes yet to open up to any great extent thus leading to stagnating lease rentals. If the market for widebodies was improving to any extent, there would be no need to the LATAM A350-900’s or B787-9’s…

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March 29, 2021
Regional Jet Values Stagnate
The regional jet segment should be enjoying considerable improvement at least when compared to the widebody segment but this is not the case and values remain static. While the North American market continues to be the mainstay of the regional jet market and therefore ensures a level of recovery, the…

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March 29, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B767-300F
Market Presence. The market for the remains reasonable with few if any -300Fs actually on the market. the move by Amazon to form its own fleet will surely see further growth in the coming years with placement of orders for conversions a distinct possibility. The values of passenger configured B767-300ERs…

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March 29, 2021
Values & Rentals To See Modest Improvement In Coming Months
Recovery Focussed on Newer Aircraft While Older Types Flounder The passenger figures for January from IATA may suggest that the market remains in the doldrums but there are a multitude of positive factors that will see rapid redeployment of at least newer assets in the coming months allowing values and…

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March 15, 2021
Sun May Set on Narrowbody Residuals as Hyperion Ushers in New Dawn
As the market recovers, and the A320neo family regains value, appraisers will be increasingly seeking to model the effect of the next generation of narrowbodies on the residual values of the current generation. A titan of the current narrowbody product offerings, the popular A320neo family will eventually and inevitably be…

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March 15, 2021