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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
A321-200 Values Suffer
While orders for the A321 continue to trickle in, operators are increasingly seeking to maximize yields on smaller equipment. A321 Vital Statistics LAUNCH 11/1989 STANDARD MTOW 183,000lbs LIST PRICE (2010) $95.5m FIRST FLIGHT 03/1993 OPTIONAL MTOW 206,100lbs TYPICAL DISCOUNT 50% SERVICE ENTRY 03/1994 FUEL CAPACITY 6,260usg VALUE Y1996 – 89t…

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March 29, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: A321
Market Presence. Based extensively on the A320, use of computers, fly-by-wire systems, side stick controllers, all ensure that the family will maintain parity with other products on the market for the short term. Although able to compete effectively against the B737-800/-900 and B757, enhancements to the basic A320 family design…

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March 29, 2010
B777-300ER Enhancements Will Create Differential in Values
Just as the values of early A320s are faring worse than those A320s being built today, then so too will values of early B777s falter as Boeing enhances the type. The development of the A350 is well underway and Boeing is facing a tough choice. The B777 needs to be…

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March 29, 2010
Lease Rates Bottom Out
But Long Hike to Recovery Expected Lease rentals – at least of more modern jets – are considered to have reached the trough of the current cycle and are beginning the long haul to recovery after experiencing a significant fall from the peak of late 2007. In the two and…

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March 29, 2010
Production Rate Increases Likely to Impact Value Recovery
Despite concerns that a higher delivery rate will delay the recovery of values and lease rentals, both Airbus and Boeing have announced an intention to increase production of narrowbodies. The rise in production is at odds with a lack luster orderbook for 2010 from both manufacturers but both cite demand…

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March 29, 2010
Republic’s CS300 Order Increases Pressure on Residuals
Residual Values Need To Reflect Change in Product Line IN THIS ISSUE: AVN’S SEMI-ANNUAL TURBOPROP VALUE LISTING The firm order for 40 Bombardier CS300s – and 40 options - increases the pressure on Airbus and Boeing to develop an upgrade to existing products but such a move is beginning to…

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March 15, 2010
Power by the Hour Arrangements Dominate
With the leasing of the older widebodies becoming much difficult, lessors are increasingly having to turn to power by the hour arrangements. Power by the hour arrangements was coined by Rolls-Royce more than 20 years ago to reflect performance based contracts for engines. The number of hours flown by the…

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March 15, 2010
Turboprop Values Experience only Modest Decline
Values of turboprops have been exposed to lesser value volatility than the jet sector but the decline over the last year is still evident, more particularly for the older variants. The development of the Dash8Q-400NG and the ATR72-600 has not represented major changes to existing models but they have prevented…

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March 15, 2010