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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Values of A319 Face Challenging Future
The 120 seat segment of the market is facing increased competition from the CSeries and the Embraer E-Jets as well as a changing market structure such that orders in recent years have failed to materialize. A319 Vital Statistics LAUNCH 05/1993 STANDARD MTOW 141,100lbs LIST PRICE 2013 $83.6 $92.0m (neo) FIRST…

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September 23, 2013
Widebody Rates Stable As Growth Takes Hold
The further improvement in the world economy continues to generate demand for widebodies, both new and used, thereby allowing lease rentals to remain stable. Even as the manufacturers deliver record levels of aircraft – Airbus has delivered 70 A330s through to the end of August and Boeing 61 B777s –…

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September 23, 2013
Values of Older A320s & B737NGs Warrant Different Residuals Assessment of Actual Specification Becomes Ever More Important for Values
The extension of the product life cycle of aircraft by virtually all manufacturers is making it ever more essential to ensure that the value reflects the specification of the specific aircraft and, if necessary, to calculate different residual value curves for early and later aircraft. With aircraft types now remaining…

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September 23, 2013
Values of Larger Regional Jets Remain Stable
Despite the fluid nature of the regional jet market in terms of new products, the values of the larger regional jets are managing in the main to avoid significant declines. Values are in Millions of US Dollars and are based on The Aircraft Value Reference published by The Aircraft Value…

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September 23, 2013
Emphasis on Larger Narrowbodies Points to Weaker Residuals for 120 Seaters
By ordering large numbers of A320s and B737-800s in recent years the average size of narrowbodies has shifted higher which has negative implications for residual values of smaller aircraft. The lack of orders of the A319 and B737-700 in recent years, and a shrinking backlog for both types, clearly indicates…

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September 23, 2013
Q&A With Turbomeca CEO Oliver AndriesOlivier Andries, CEO of Turbomeca (Stand C20), spoke with Rotor & Wing in the lead-up to Helitech 2013 to find out what the engine OEM is bringing to the show and other recent developments.By Andrew Parker, Editor-in-ChiefRotor & Wing: What is your focus at Helitech?Olivier…

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September 20, 2013
Social Media Shaping Up As Best Contact Channel; US Playing Catch Up With Emerging Countries on Mobile PR Employment Levels
â–¶ Reach Out and ‘Touch’ Someone: About 80% of consumers who recently contacted a brand through social media received feedback within 12 hours, according to a recent eDigitalResearch study. The survey, which took the pulse of 2,0000 consumers across the U.S., concluded that social media is the most expedient and…

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September 16, 2013
How To Improve Finances by Adding a CFO
A PR agency needs a strong financial leader to maximize its potential profitability. Yet the majority of PR agency CEOs are not financially savvy, no matter how creative and brilliant they are at what they do. It’s OK if you don’t master the financial end of the PR business. However,…

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September 16, 2013