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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Launch of B777X Allows Definition of B777X Residuals - & A350
The service entry of the B777X – yet to be renamed to perhaps the B797- may still not be planned for another seven years but with 259 orders and commitments for the new type then the residual values seem assured. There are always risks and rewards in being the first…

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December 2, 2013
Residuals May Be Impacted by ME Demand Patterns
The Dubai Airshow provided the setting for a substantial number of widebody orders adding to the possibility that too many aircraft may have been ordered, thereby potentially leading to problems for values should deliveries not be made. The order for 50 more A380s from Emirates alone represents a significant addition…

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December 2, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: A330-200
Market Presence. Orders for the A330-200 had marginally outstripped those for the A330-300 as of 2009 but the reverse is now the case with nearly a 100 more orders for the larger version. The A330-200 represents a formidable competitor to the smaller B767-300ER and the lack of success for the…

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December 2, 2013
A330-200 Faces Rough & Tumble of Used Market
The demand for the -200 has been at best restrained during the last few years as the appetite for the -300 has increased. This focus on the -300 in terms of new orders is perhaps because of the preference of Airbus to sell larger aircraft – the bigger the aircraft,…

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December 2, 2013
Changing Product Line Causes some Weakness
The market for the regional jet remains strong overall but the arrival of new products and the development of others means that some changes are taking place. The Embraer E2 already seems to be having an effect on new orders though not as yet on values. The MRJ may have…

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December 2, 2013
A320neo Values Experience Slight Improvement
The differential in values between the A320ceo and A320neo has increased slightly in favor of the latter as the market continues to favor the re-engined aircraft. The current difference in value between a 2015 A320ceo and an A320neo is approximately $6 million with the sharklet equipped A320ceo being $5 million…

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December 2, 2013
Residual Values of B737-900ER Continue to Be Uncertain
The residual values of the -900ER, both current and future, should be strong given the size of the variant and proven performance but unfortunately that is not the case. The customer base for the -900ERcontinues to be restricted. The first order for the -900ER was made as far back as…

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November 18, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: MD11
Market Presence. In terms of historical values of the MD11, initially the outlook appeared promising, resulting more from the overall perceptions regarding widebodies rather than a judgment concerning the actual type. However, nearly 90 percent of the fleet of nearly 200 MD11s, had moved to a freighter role. The switch…

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November 18, 2013