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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B777-200
Market Presence. The B777-200 has experienced the fate of most initial variants of a new model –marginalization within the first decade of service entry. This should provide some pause for thought when considering the B787-8. The difference for the -200 lay with the expectation that such an outcome could be…

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March 24, 2014
Accuracy of Forecasts Now Able to be Scrutinized
With the passing of some 25 years since the forecasting of residual values took on a greater sophistication through the use of computer technology and econometric modelling, there now exists considerable opportunity to assess the accuracy of forecasts. The late 1980s saw a transference of responsibility for residual value forecasting…

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March 24, 2014
Stable Lease Rentals Continue to Attract Lessors
The lease rentals of turboprops remain sufficiently stable to attract more lessors to the sector. The market for the turboprop operating lease continues to expand as more lessors appreciate the greater margins that are offered by turboprops. The competition is less intense between lessors and the product line more of…

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March 24, 2014
B747-400 Values Continue to Fall As More Are Parted Out
The values of the B747-400 are continuing to slide due to advancing age and the arrival of ever more versatile and efficient twins and the A380. At the peak of the market for the B747-400 in 1998 values of new examples were nudging $155 million. Today the same aircraft are…

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March 24, 2014
Half to Full Life Adjustments Take Values To New Level
Values of aircraft are increasingly being enhanced by the use of full life maintenance status, making the potential profit for owners that more attractive. Traditionally, aircraft have been valued on a half-life basis except that those examples less than four years of age were valued at better than half life.…

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March 24, 2014
Erosion of Backlog Continues to Affect Residuals
As the product line up evolves, and new types are introduced, there needs to be constant vigilance of the prevailing order and delivery status of existing models to accurately assess when values should undergo a change rather than rely on outdated perceptions. Until very recently there was a widely held…

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March 24, 2014
B777-200 Values Continue to Decline
There exists a clear appreciation that the market for the -200 has weakened considerably and that values will likely continue to decline. The more limited capability of the -200 when compared to the -200ER is all too apparent. Values have experienced a not entirely unexpected rapid fall. The combination of…

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March 24, 2014
Strong Market Keeps Most Values on Even Keel
The values of more modern narrowbodies continue to experience only a modest age related decline. The rise in the backlog – and production rates – has for the last few years led to concern that there will have to be a significant readjustment as market realities take hold. Each time…

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March 24, 2014