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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
American Airlines EETC Shows Variable Current Values
The American Airlines 2014-1 EETC of September 2014 continued to show resilient market values but also a measure of disparity between appraisers in terms of current values for some aircraft types. The American EETC comprised five A319s delivered in 2013 with a 75.5 tonne MTOW; seven A321 delivered in 2014…

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March 9, 2015
B747-8 Residuals Threatened by Potential Premature Ending of Production
The residual values of the B747-8I and -8F have been placed “On Watch” status as a result of the lack of orders and hand to mouth production rates. There is growing speculation that because of the limited orderbook for the B747-8 production would end by the decade. For an aircraft…

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March 9, 2015
Market Base Residual Values Increasingly Take Note of Changing Market
Residual value calculations are increasingly using market values rather than base values as investors seek guidance as to when potential profits – or losses – will be made. Base Values have historically been used as the basis for future value calculations. Such values have typically extrapolated historical data and revenue…

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March 9, 2015
Rentals for 70-80 Seaters Face Modest Weakness
The values of the 70-80 seaters are experiencing a slight decline in the context of the preference for larger equipment and the ageing nature of the product range. The lower price of fuel offers operators at this end of the market the opportunity to make more money given that the…

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March 9, 2015
Long Term Residuals of A321neo Not Threatened by B757 Replacement
Boeing seems to have finally realized that re-engining the B757 is unlikely to generate the necessary interest to warrant development and instead seems focused on re-invigorating a version of the defunct B787-3. Airbus has already launched the A321LR – Long Range – version of the A321neo offering a MTOW of…

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March 9, 2015
Parked Fleet Overshadows Demand
The demand for airfreight capacity is improving slowly but this still has not translated into demand for additional capacity and more specifically the removal of aircraft from storage. If anything the demand remains wedded to new aircraft types such that a few new dedicated freighters have been ordered while used…

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March 9, 2015
Values of Used Turboprops Remain Strong
The lower price of fuel has done nothing to quell the demand for used turboprops and indeed for new examples. Lower fuel prices generally mean that jets become more efficient over shorter sector lengths but operators cannot build their fleet plans around a temporary fall in jet fuel pricing. The…

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February 23, 2015
Values of CFM56 Powered A321-200s On Watch as IAE Climbs
While the relevance of airframe/engine combinations has been diminishing in recent years due to the advancing use of the engine support programs by the manufacturers and the creation of dual engine fleets, the disparity between the CFM56 and the V2500 on A321 in favour of the latter is increasingly seen…

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February 23, 2015