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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Used A330-300ceo Values Decline as Expected As Market Favors Newer Types
The values of the A330-300ceo, having staged a recovery in recent years due to strong demand, are starting their anticipated decline as a result of increased emphasis on new aircraft. Rolls-Royce has announced its latest results citing as one factor for slightly lower profits the waning demand for the Trent…

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July 13, 2015
Lease Rentals of Early A320s Remain in Doldrums
While the demand for new A320s continues to rise, the lack of enthusiasm for the older A320s which are now more than 25 years of age means that lease rentals are virtually at whatever the lessee wishes to pay. The rates for the early build A320s – those delivered before…

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July 13, 2015
A330-200 Values Continue to Stutter
The values of the A330-200 continue to be under pressure with the number of new order placements slowing, the backlog diminishing and the availability of the A330-800. Though recent orders for the A330-300 are also sluggish notwithstanding the order for 30 from Garuda at the Paris Salon, the preference has…

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June 29, 2015
Newer Widebody Rentals Reflect Stable Market
The lease rentals of widebodies are generally holding steady though some older types, including those of early B777-300ERs are experiencing some weakness. The international market continues to expand with traffic continuing to meet or exceed expectations though the amount of business related traffic remains fragile. Demand for newer widebodies continues…

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June 29, 2015
Regional Jets Values at Their Peak
The transition of the regional jet market to new types is inevitably taking its toll on the current generation of regional jets. After experiencing a prolonged period of improvement and then stability, values of most regional jets are now either stable or edging downwards. The arrival of the Embraer E2…

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June 29, 2015
Paris Air Show Keeps Pressure on Backlog
While the absolute number of orders at the 2015 Paris Salon was not as great as previous years, with nearly a 1,000 commitments this still represents more than six months production at current rates and combined with orders placed this year to date, serves to extend the backlog still further…

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June 29, 2015
A321 Continues to Encroach on Core B757 Market
The values of the B757 remain under pressure not least because of the incursion of the A321 and the consequence of advancing age. Yet over the longer sectors the B757-200ER continues to be well used by US operators, filling second city pairs and attracting traffic on thinner routes that cannot…

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June 29, 2015
Low Interest Rates Take Their Toll on Historical Lease Rentals
Lease rentals are generally remaining stable though for some used widebodies they may be falling but low interest rates in recent years has ensured that on a comparative basis, rentals are lower than in previous decades. The last 25 years has seen considerable variation in lease rentals for the same…

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June 29, 2015