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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Values of the -400F Continue to Decline
The fall in the price of fuel will provide some stimulus for airfreight as well as allowing the B747-400F to be more economical in the short term. The B747-400ERF/-400F/-400SF/-400BCF is a versatile aircraft that offers considerable advantages over the -200F and therefore superseded the earlier B747 freighter. The -400F has…

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December 14, 2015
“Whitetails” As B747-8F Values Continue to Decline
The strength of aviation continues to elude the airfreight segment as the Boeing seemingly has built B747-8F aircraft for which now no end-user exists thereby contributing to the perceived weakness of values for the type. The production of whitetails – whereby an aircraft is manufactured for which no end customer…

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December 14, 2015
Values of Engine, Winglet and Weight Changes to B737-800 Age Dependent
The values of the B737-800NG remain the strongest of any narrowbody even though the replacement for the type is well under development and due to enter service in some two years. While the generic B737-800 is popular there can be considerable variation in values due to differing specifications. A customer…

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November 30, 2015
50 Seat Market Continues Battle to Remain Viable
The 50 seat regional jet, largely an artificial market created by the restrictive scope clauses, continues to vie for a space in the used market despite the march towards larger and much more efficient aircraft. The 50 seaters, designed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, still have relevance in…

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November 30, 2015
Freighter Values Still Face Uncertainty
The demand for the larger freighters, particularly those no longer in production, remains sporadic. The values of such aircraft are therefore inevitably weak with further declines to be expected. Chinese industrial growth remains in single digits with little improvement expected in the near term and Japan has slipped back into…

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November 30, 2015
Low Inflation Helps to Contain Values & Rentals
Lower Net Pricing Impacting Used Aircraft The current backlog and absence of delivery slots for new aircraft is of sufficient historical magnitude as to seemingly warrant a sustained surge in values but this has failed to occur partly because of the effect of low inflation. The effect of inflation not…

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November 30, 2015
Utilization Rates Impacting Residual Value Calculations
The rise of the low cost model has inevitably had an impact on nearly all airlines in terms of maximizing the utilization of aircraft but this has significant implications for residual values, potentially shortening the life of aircraft and accelerating annual depreciation. Traditionally the average utilization assumed for a narrowbody…

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November 30, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment A350-900
  Market Presence. As of the end of October 2015 a total of 787 orders had been placed for the A350. The orderbook has undergone a notable increase since 2013 when some 600 had been ordered. The customer base is extensive at 43 including seven lessors and private operators. The…

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November 30, 2015