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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Fitch Completes Aircraft Lessor Peer Review Resulting in Upgrade
Though Lower Oil Prices Seen As Potential Threat to Leasing Fitch Ratings, in conducting a peer review of five publicly-rated aircraft leasing firms, has upgraded two lessors and affirmed the existing rates of three others after determining that the market conditions are still favorable for the leasing sector. Specifically, Aercap’s…

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August 8, 2016
Realism Prevails As Market Adjusts
International traffic growth may still be above trend, but there continues to be a measure of realism with respect to widebody values. The transition to new models continues and this is causing values of existing types to be viewed with a measure of caution. The recent events at Istanbul airport…

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July 11, 2016
A320 Values Continue to Show Age/Specification Related Differential
Near 30 Year Product Life Cycle Creates Three Distinct Value Segments The value behavior of A320s is increasingly dependent on the age bracket into which specific examples fall as the near 30-year life cycle has inevitably spawned specification differences of sufficient magnitude as to warrant different demand and value patterns.…

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July 11, 2016
NMA Gathers Momentum But Impact on Existing Residuals Uncertain
The New Mid-Sized Aircraft (NMA) or Middle of the Market concept being contemplated by Boeing is gathering pace and definitions and timescales are taking place. The NMA has been contemplated for some years and is essentially a replacement for the B757. However, given the parameters of the NMA this raises…

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July 11, 2016
“Automated” Valuations Come to the Fore But Relevance May Suffer
The appraisal community continues to meet the demands of clients with readily accessible web based values but there is concern that ease of use is being pursued at the expense of accuracy, particularly if the focus of the company is on published product rather than the appraisal of individual aircraft.…

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July 11, 2016
Values of Used E-Jets Begin to Struggle
The values of most regional jets – except the 50 seats – are performing as expected though as the flight test of the Embraer E2 continues then there is concern that the number of E-Jets on the market will continue to climb. The age profile of the E-Jets, with the…

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July 11, 2016
Queen of the Skies Has Lost Since Lost Her Mantle
Even though the B747-200B seemed to personify international travel for two decades, in reality Boeing produced only 224 -200Bs although 176 -100 and -100Bs were also produced. Today fewer than 10 percent remain in service of which most are either parked or awaiting parting out. The market for the -200B…

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July 11, 2016
AVAC Aircraft Ratings See Fall in Narrowbody Scores
The Aircraft Ratings of in production narrowbodies have suffered in the latest update published by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company Ltd (AVAC The next seven years will be characterized by a sweeping change in the product line. Very few of those aircraft currently in production and being delivered today,…

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July 11, 2016