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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Boeing Keeps 2016 List Prices Unchanged
Lack of Inflation Also Impacts Used Values The absence of any rise in the list prices of Boeing provides further indications that the market has passed its peak but not that it is withering. Whilst list prices bear little or no resemblance to net prices being paid for aircraft, the…

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September 19, 2016
Aircraft Market Assessment-The A300-600R
Market Presence. The age and heritage of the A300-600R are clearly evident when compared to newer types. Even the EFIS cockpit, a trademark of Airbus, fails to impress. However, except for newer examples of the same type or the similarly ageing specification of the B767-300, no replacement existed until the…

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September 19, 2016
Widebody Rentals Mostly Hold Steady
While the airfreight market continues to remain fragile, there are at least indications of a modest improvement in recent months which has gone some way to alleviating the downward pressure on rentals. The latest airfreight results from IATA show a measure of stability for the last few months but when…

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September 5, 2016
Market Stability Should See Correlation Between Base & Market Values
With the market having experienced a sustained period of stability, any differential between theoretical Base and Market values should now be marginal. In using Current Market Values – where values seek to reflect a measure of trading activity - there should be relatively close correlation between appraisers. Inevitably, there can…

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September 5, 2016
United EETC Continues to See Strong Values
18 Aircraft Comprise Young Aircraft for EETC 2016-1 The appetite for the EETCs (Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificates) and ABS (Asset Backed Securitizations) transactions continues apace with United Airlines financing 18 aircraft. The 18 aircraft comprise either very young aircraft as well as those due to be delivered through to March…

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September 5, 2016
Values of Turboprops Remain Stable Despite Fuel
The lower price of fuel, which should seemingly allow operators to fly regional jets more efficiently, has not had an impact on the values of turboprops as demand for used equipment remains robust. The demand for turboprops remains more than reasonable as orders continue to be placed. The market continues…

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September 5, 2016
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The MD83 Market Presence. The MD83 experienced its heyday in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While values started to stumble more than 15 years ago, availability only became a major issue a decade ago. Even before production ceased in 1999, the MD83 was already facing severe pressure from the…

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August 22, 2016
Lessors Returns Continue To Be Above Double Digit
The profits being secured by the lessors continues to be nearly 20 percent underlining the relative attraction of aircraft leasing compared other asset classes. The leasing of aircraft continues to increase despite speculation that low interest rates may increase the amount of aircraft being bought directly by airlines. As a…

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August 22, 2016