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Aircraft Archive: Airbus
Asking Prices for Boeing Aircraft Still Higher Than Values
The asking prices for older Boeing aircraft in particular are still usually higher than market values suggesting that the actual net selling price will be lower than that advertised. A 1996 B737-500 is on the market with an asking price of $2.3 million which compares with $1.8 million (Aircraft Values…

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February 5, 2018
Doubling of Jet Fuel Prices Put Pressure on Values & Rentals of Older Aircraft
The rise in fuel prices has once again underlined the need for operators to focus on operating the more fuel efficient aircraft and this has negative implications for the values of older aircraft. The price of oil has risen by more than ten percent in the last few weeks reaching…

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January 22, 2018
12 Month Period Sees B737-800 Values Fall Faster Than A320
But Boeing Product Still Warrants Premium The market for narrowbodies remains strong with both Airbus and Boeing delivering 558 and 529 narrowbodies respectively during 2017 but the shift towards to the A320neo and B737MAX are inevitably taking their toll on values of the outgoing A320ceo and the B737NG. Despite the…

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January 22, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. While the oldest CRJs are some 25 years of age, Bombardier made great strides in adapting the basic corporate jet design to the needs of the tougher commercial market such that its heritage should not be any more of a significant issue than for other regional jets. The…

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January 22, 2018
Rentals Remain Constrained by Competition
The demand for new aircraft continues to know no bounds as both Airbus and Boeing have extended their backlogs through the placement of sufficient orders to outweigh deliveries for 2017. Yet, despite the orders, the values of most narrowbodies continue to trend downwards. The relationship between new net prices and…

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January 22, 2018
Spare Engine Pricing Still Strong
The prices being paid for spare engines continues to remain strong even as more aircraft are scrapped and additional engines are added as spares. The list prices being quoted by the engine manufacturers may not reflect the actual price being paid by customers. Yet the level of any discounting on…

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January 22, 2018
Lease Rentals of A340-600 Fall By Two Thirds in Ten Years
The lease rentals of the A340-600 have experienced a sustained and significant fall since entering service more than 15 years ago, providing a salutary lesson for other larger widebodies. The last few years has seen various attempts by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to improve the prospects for the A340,…

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January 22, 2018
ATR72-600 Lease Rentals Fail to Impress
While turboprops in general are providing good returns for lessors the rentals of the ATR72-600 are perhaps lower than might be expected. The ATR72-600 remains extremely popular with some 665 sold to date and nearly 390 delivered leaving a backlog of approximately 275. The very success in selling the ATR72—600…

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January 22, 2018