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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Lessors Seek to Minimize Widebody Reconfiguration Costs
Costs Can Be Contained by Advanced Planning The lessors have always tended to shy away from leasing the larger widebodies because of the more limited remarketing opportunities and the sometimes substantial reconfiguration costs and extended timescales when moving aircraft between lessees. The narrowbodies usually require little reconfiguration not least because…

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March 19, 2018
A340-300 Lease Rentals Plateau After Significant Falls
The lease rentals of the A340-300ER have experienced considerable changes sing the type was introduced some 25 years ago but for the last decade the trend has inevitably been in only one direction. In the 1990s, three and four engined aircraft were still very much an attractive proposition for operators…

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March 5, 2018
Regional Aircraft List Prices Correlate Better With Net Prices
But Average Discount is Still in Excess of 40 Percent While the list prices published by the manufacturers of larger commercial jets continue to present a substantive disconnect with the values of new aircraft, the list prices of regional jet makers have better, if still divergent, correlation. The difference between…

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March 5, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment - B737-800
Market Presence. In the context of re-engining from both manufacturers, the effect on residual values of the A320 and B737 has been relatively modest in terms of deviation from previous projections. While re-engining offers improvement, it is more incremental than evolutionary. If the difference between the existing model and the…

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March 5, 2018
B737-800 Values Weaken Slightly But Still Favored
The B737-800 may have been in service for some 20 years but even the oldest examples are still able to command double digit values. The B737-800 has managed to retain the crown for so many years and still achieves top billing but as the product life cycle extends and newer…

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March 5, 2018
Rentals of New Narrowbodies Under Pressure
The demand for narrwbodies remains strong buoyed by traffic growth around the world and in spite of somes corporate failures such as Airberlin and Monarch. The lease rentals for mid life aircraft therefore remains essentially stable but as lessors seek to add equipment through sale and leasebachs they have willing…

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March 5, 2018
Despite Strong Traffic Widebody Values Weaken
As the product line transitions to new types, operators are disposing of their older equipment and the problem is that some of the capacity being released is too large for second tier operators – unless the price is sufficiently low. The fall in widebody values continues to equate to around…

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March 5, 2018
Values of A350-1000 Still Uncertain as First Delivery Takes Place
The values of the A350-1000 remain under scrutiny as the market for the type fails to progress even as the first example is delivered to Qatar and enters service. The first delivery of the A350-1000 took place in late February to Qatar, a little later than planned because of issues…

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March 5, 2018