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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
B747-400F Experience Shows Voltatility for Rentals
The lease rentals of the B747-400F are rising again in the context of an improving airfreight market although the prospect of a trade war precipitated by the U.S. has the potential to undermine recent gains particularly for the B747-400F which is reliant on traffic to and from China. The experience…

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April 2, 2018
Debate over Date of First Flight versus Date of Delivery Continues
While lease rentals tend to be determined on the basis of the year of build, values continue to be calculated on the month of build although “build date” can continue to mean different things to different appraisers. Some appraisers in establishing the “build date” will use the date of delivery…

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April 2, 2018
United 2018-1 EETC Sees Strong Values for Some Aircraft
The United Airlines Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate (EETC) for 2018 sees a total of 16 aircraft being placed into the 2018-1 package with reasonably consistent values being provided by three appraisers. The aircraft comprise the two B737-800s, six B737-9s, five B787-9s and three B777-300ERs representing a mix of very good…

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April 2, 2018
Appetite for Airliner VVIPs Remain Limited
The development of dedicated long range business jets, the long lead times and the existing inventory of the converted airliners continues to limit the appetite for airliner types although the emergence of A380s and A340-500/-600s onto the market offers a solution. Usually a limited operator basis is usually seen as…

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April 2, 2018
Maintenance Reserves Typically Higher Than End of Lease Payments
The maintenance reserves paid by lessees to lessors can be typically higher than the lump sum end of lease payments but the calculation of the full life adjustment as it relates to the value of the aircraft usually equates to the end of lease payment. The calculation for maintenance reserves…

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April 2, 2018
A340-300 Values at Scrap Levels
The values of the A340-300 have continued to fall such they are now at virtually scrap levels. At least 40 have been scrapped and a similar number are lying idle in storage with little likelihood of being returned to service. The aircraft has increasingly been replaced by newer twins and…

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April 2, 2018
Lease Encumbered Current Market Values
As the number of aircraft traded on a standalone basis diminishes, aircraft values are increasingly needing to assess the value of the attached lease – the Lease Encumbered Current Market Value (LECMV) or Securitized Value (SV). The number and more importantly, the proportion of aircraft being leased has been increasing…

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March 19, 2018
Lessors Seek to Minimize Widebody Reconfiguration Costs
Costs Can Be Contained by Advanced Planning The lessors have always tended to shy away from leasing the larger widebodies because of the more limited remarketing opportunities and the sometimes substantial reconfiguration costs and extended timescales when moving aircraft between lessees. The narrowbodies usually require little reconfiguration not least because…

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March 19, 2018