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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Higher Inflation Raises Prospect of Changes to Residuals
The higher fuel prices are contributing to an overall increase inflation which will implications for values and lease rentals should this be sustained for any length of time. While there are a myriad of factors that affect aircraft values, inflation remains one of principal drivers though the actual type of…

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May 28, 2018
Values of B787-9 Stable
In sharp contrast to the fanfare that accompanied the rolling out of the B787-8, which then featured interminable delays, the development of the -9 and its service entry has been much more muted with good in-service performance underlining stronger values and obviating the need for high profile publicity. The values…

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May 28, 2018
Rentals Remain Stable Over Last Quarter
After a period of modest downward pressure, lease rentals of most types have experienced some stability in recent months. The lease rentals are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company Ltd (AVAC) or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance reserves. They…

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May 28, 2018
A318 Values Continue to Fall
The market for the A318 remains difficult as the type fails to meet the needs of many operators. There are some 11 Avianca A318s in storage with another 11 ex-Frontier already scrapped. There are still some leased by GECAS amongst others and a renewal of the lease with an existing…

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May 14, 2018
Market for Outgoing Regional Jets Weakens
The regional jets are experiencing just as much of a major shift in the product line as the mainline jets and this is inevitably having an impact on the lease rentals of the outgoing aircraft. The lease rentals for used aircraft have fallen as availability has increased and as more…

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May 14, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. Values have fallen and continue to do so even as aircraft are scrapped and parked. As a member of the A320 family, technology is not an issue for the A318. The interior of the A318, providing a wider diameter than the competition, is attractive for corporate customers so…

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May 14, 2018
Prices of Large Business Jets Manage to Rise
Despite the lack of improvement in the net pricing of commercial jets, the business jet sector is performing better with new prices registering an increase as manufacturers become more disciplined in their pricing – and production. At the peak of production in the mid 2000s, the prices of new aircraft…

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May 14, 2018
Length of Lease Continues to Influence Impact Rentals
The LRM (Lease Rental Matrix), which determines the average lease length and the adjustment to quoted lease rentals to reflect longer or shorter terms, has seen an extension to average terms as demand continues to outstrip supply but the last six months has not seen any significant change. A long…

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May 14, 2018