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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Assessment of Risk Takes on New Significance As Talk of Downturn Mounts
With the discussion over the cycle and the potential for a downturn taking on ever greater significance then the use of distressed discounting is becoming considered more frequently even if such an outcome has a probability of less than 20 percent. The level of discounting needed to dispose of aircraft…

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August 6, 2018
Aircraft Market Assessment
Market Presence. The age of the B757 is clearly showing. At more than 30 years of age, the systems and specification are clearly at a disadvantage compared to newer equipment. The avionics for example require to be upgraded if they are take full advantage of new ATC opportunities and Rockwell-Collins…

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August 6, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment A380
Market Presence. The values of the A380 have been experiencing an accelerated decline in recent years such that the annual decline has been greater than the average of 7-8 percent. The age profile of the A380 is such that those aircraft that were leased on 10-12 year terms are now…

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July 26, 2018
A380 Values Not So Good Despite Emirates Order
The values of the A380 are declining at a relatively rapid rate although the level of deterioration is in line with expectations and on a par to most other widebodies at this stage of the product life cycle. Establishing a market value for the A380 is a theoretical exercise in…

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July 26, 2018
Values of Some Turboprops Experience Volatility
Some of the seemingly more marketable turboprops have been experiencing considerable volatility associated with an extending product life cycle and greater used availability with the ATR72-600 being particularly impacted. Turboprops continue to dominate on routes with ranges of less than 300 nautical miles though this can increase depending on the…

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July 23, 2018
B777F Orders Keep Coming But At What Price?
The airfreight market has shown some significant improvement over the last year and this has generated demand for not only converted freighters but also production models. Boeing has been relatively successful in sustaining orders for both the B777F and the B747-8F in recent times but both programs are facing difficult…

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July 23, 2018
Owners Not Afraid to Scrap Aircraft With Engine Prices High
The arrival of new types to the market during the course of this decade inevitably means that there is a greater likelihood of older types being parted out, even with record levels of traffic growth. Scrap values are generally remaining reasonably strong for both narrow and widebodies with Dr Peters…

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July 23, 2018
Delivery Prices A Concern As Further A320neo Orders Placed
Final Delivery Price Could be Higher Than Market Value The swath of orders placed at the 2018 Farnborough Air Show by airlines and notably lessors for the A320neo as well as the B737MAX may represent a conundrum for those customers not fortunate enough to have ordered in sufficient quantity to…

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July 23, 2018