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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Two Early Build B737-900ERs Sold Between Lessors
Establishing values of the B737-900ER is likely to be difficult as there are relatively few operators and in view of the predilection for lessors to sell encumbered aircraft between themselves. The operator base of the B737-900ER is not as liquid as it is for many other aircraft types and this…

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October 29, 2018
Lease Rates Increase for Less Financially Secure Lessees
Fragility of Some Lessees Seeing Premature Return of Aircraft A raft of airline failures – both large and small – in recent years is leading to lessors placing a premium on rentals of aircraft to less financially secure operators. Part of the success of the operating lease industry over the…

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October 29, 2018
E190 Values Start to Take Note of E2
The 98-passenger Embraer 190 is a member of a family of commercial jets which have now been in service for over a decade. However, in the face of competitors such as the Superjet 100 and the MRJ, the E-Jet family is beginning to show its age, hence the development of…

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October 29, 2018
A350-900ULR Values Will Not Suffer Same Fate as A340-500
The re-launch of the direct Singapore-Newark route by Singapore Airlines using the new A350-900ULR variant will fortunately not likely see the same fate for residual values of the A340-500 or even B777-200LR. Singapore-Newark route, a distance of nearly 8,235 nautical miles, takes some 19 hours but was last flown by…

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October 29, 2018
Values of Outgoing E-Jets Under Pressure
The market for the E190 is likely to prove more difficult in the coming years as it appears that a number will be coming onto the market. On behalf of Air Canada, Skyworks Leasing has arranged the sale of 25 E190 aircraft to Beautech Power Systems. Air Canada is gradually…

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October 29, 2018
Dash8-400 Rentals Could be Affected by Disposals
The effect of a rise in the availability of key leased products on lease rentals has been clearly illustrated with the ATR72-600 during the latter part of 2017 and early 2018 and other types are exposed going forward. A year ago the planned and unexpected release onto the market of…

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October 1, 2018
First A380 Dismantling Increases Focus on Part Out/Scrap Values
Other Large Widebodies Also Face Remarketing Difficulties The first of two A380s that were previously operated by Singapore Airlines have started to be parted out rather than scrapped with the expectation that investors of the two funds involved in the financing of the aircraft will receive a 145 to 155…

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October 1, 2018
B787-8 Set to Lose B Aircraft Rating
Boeing is having to reboot the -8 after having focused on the -9 and -10 perhaps a bit too much but to a large extent it appears that the relative attraction of the -8 is fading as predicted. The B787 may have cost $30 billion to date or even more.…

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October 1, 2018