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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
"Value" of New Aircraft Set To Rise in Coming Years Aiding Used Values
The “value” of new aircraft can be expected to experience a rapid increase in the coming years although it will take some four to five years before the value of a new A320neo matches that of a pre-Covid aircraft. The “value” of a new aircraft differs from the net price…

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August 17, 2020
Widebody Values Plunge
The fall in the values of widebodies has been precipitous and significant. While the market has experienced downturns before, the global nature of the crisis, coupled with the specific and long lasting effect on aviation, has meant that the widebodies have suffered the greatest declines. The values of widebodies will…

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August 17, 2020
Turboprop Values Experience Variety of Fortunes
The market for turboprops in the Covid era is experiencing different factors, some very much positive, but this has not prevented some values from falling. As turboprops fulfil mostly domestic or regional duties, the Covid even would seem not to have impacted services to the same extent as international routes.…

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August 17, 2020
Headline Production Rates Fail to Match Deliveries
Dozens of New Aircraft Stored but Not Delivered Both Airbus and Boeing have announced a swathe of production cuts but such is the impact of the Covid Event that these reductions are not happening quickly enough and the result is that dozens of aircraft have been manufactured but not delivered.…

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August 3, 2020
Lease Encumbered Current Market Values
As the number of aircraft traded on a standalone basis diminishes, aircraft values are increasingly needing to assess the value of the attached lease – the Lease Encumbered Current Market Value (LECMV) or Securitized Value (SV) and this has proved to be even more relevant in the Covid environment. The…

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August 3, 2020
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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August 3, 2020
Covid Event Exerts Negative Pressure on Aircraft Ratings
The Aircraft Ratings for most passenger aircraft have inevitably changed for the worse due to the Covid event even if there is some improvement expected in the latter part of the seven year event horizon. The market for the A320ceo family is already proving more difficult than the pre-Covid event…

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July 20, 2020
Capacity Crunch May See Demand Outweighing Capacity in 2024
Future Values Of “Popular” Types May Be Higher than Previously Forecast With thousands of aircraft still parked and lessors fielding requests for rent holidays, rental reductions and even repossession, the market is experiencing the most severe downturn since the dawn of the jet age, eclipsing the effects of the Yom…

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July 20, 2020