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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
B737-800 Values Start to Ease
The strike at Boeing is ensuring that demand for used B737-800s remains strong despite the raft of airline collapses. However, the general market condition means that values have eased from their previous highs. The type continues to be viewed with considerable enthusiasm by operators and investors alike. This is due…

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September 29, 2008
Drop in Fuel Price Provides Breathing Space for Values
Values Still Continue to Suffer With Older Types Most Vulnerable The fall in the price of fuel from its July peak provides a measure of breathing space for many airlines but the damage to the world economy is severe, making it difficult to avoid further falls in the value of…

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September 15, 2008
MRJ Residual Values Gain Further Credibility With Boeing Support
The emergence of new manufacturers always has the potential for upset the status quo and impact existing residual value forecasts but usually the entrance of new players takes many years to have any discernible impact. Airbus for example took some 15 years to become a viable force in aerospace manufacturing…

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September 15, 2008
Scrapping of Even Newer Aircraft Accelerates
While the high price of fuel has continued to secure interest in turboprops some older examples are not in such demand. BAE has sold four ATPs, all of which are less than 20 years of age, for parting out. One aircraft (msn 2009) has been sold to Atlantic; three ex-Merpati…

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September 15, 2008
Rates Continue to Face Tough Market
The older and less efficient widebodies continue to face difficult market conditions. Even though the price of fuel may have fallen from earlier highs and a shortage of new widebodies exists, the combination of lesser efficiency, rising maintenance costs, unreliability and increasing delivery rates are serving to displace older aircraft.…

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September 15, 2008
Freighter Values Remain Vulnerable
Just as summer in the Northern Hemisphere represents the opportunity make money to tide operations over the leaner off peak months, so too do the months leading up to the year provide a means for freight operators to fill their holds. The run up to Christmas festivities generates a considerable…

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September 15, 2008
Demand for B767-300ER Holds Steady Despite Collapse of Zoom
The demand for the B767-300ER remains sufficiently strong to cope with the collapse of Zoom, a prominent operator of the type. The values of the B767-300ER may have experienced a slight decline in recent months due to general uncertainty surrounding the aviation market. However, the unexpected emergence of five units…

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September 15, 2008
Pricing of New Narrowbody Aircraft Remains Competitive
Despite the best efforts of the manufacturers to raise pricing of new aircraft, apart from the benefit of escalation of base prices, the net cost of new narrowbody aircraft has remained virtually static. The manufacturers are anxious to ensure that any gaps that appear in the delivery schedule, as a…

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September 15, 2008