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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
A340-500 Values Continue to Decline Despite Fall in Oil Price
The fall in the price of oil to around $65 a gallon, from the peak of nearly $150 earlier in the year, has thus far failed to halt the slide in values of the A340-500. The more modern four engined aircraft such as the A340-500, A340-600 and even B747-400 have…

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November 10, 2008
Residual Values of B747-8I “Dependent on Freighter Conversion”
The lack of fresh orders for the passenger version of the B747-8 at a time when development is advanced and the market is weak points to increasing concern over residual values. With only 28 orders secured to date for the passenger version, residual value calculations may need to be reassessed…

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November 10, 2008
Rentals Continue to Fall
While there continues to be a measure of demand for the older aircraft types, the focus is clearly on the newer. LIBOR interest rates are finally easing allowing for a measure of comfort for lessees but this only serves to see rentals falling lower. Aircraft such as the B727 and…

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November 10, 2008
Widebody Values Face Increased Weakness
The values of widebodies have come under increasingly threat as the worldwide credit crunch mutates into a global recession. Whereas values of more modern widebodies may have previously be protected as international operations continued to expand and fuel prices rose, the imbalance between supply and demand is leading to an…

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November 10, 2008
Values Of A318 Fail to Inspire
The 100 seater market remains as fragile as ever and interest in the A318 continues to remain on the Elite rather the commercial version. Even the departure of the B717 from the competition ring did not lead to improved market conditions for the A318. With a virtually static order book…

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November 10, 2008
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. As a member of the A320 family, technology is not an issue for the A318. Technical obsolescence will not feature for some years or at least until the A320 family is upgraded or replaced. The interior of the A318, providing a wider diameter than the competition, is already…

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November 10, 2008
Long Haul Ambitions May Aid Values if Widebody Demand Evaporates
The highly publicized reiterated ambition of Ryanair to participate in the sometimes lucrative transatlantic market could mop up some of the excess widebody capacity that could possibly emerge as a consequence of corporate failures and order cancellations. Ryanair, having already indicated such an intent in 2007 when oil prices started…

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November 10, 2008
Production Rates May Need to Fall To Prevent Further Fall in Value
New Aircraft Continue to Displace Old As Values Decline The cyclic condition of rising production levels and falling demand has once again emerged and threatens to undermine the current market values of both new and old aircraft. Previous cycles have demonstrated all too clearly the problem of too many orders…

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October 27, 2008