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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
A310-300 Values Continue to Decline
As is the case with most aircraft types, the values for the A310 have suffered from weaker demand. The consistently low level of availability is being achieved partly because of the appetite for conversion. There were at one time over 30 being advertised but today there are only eight. The…

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December 8, 2008
Distressed Sale Discounting Rises
Leasing & Storage Offer Better Options The increasing depth of the seeming now global economic recession, combined with still restricted funding, is causing sufficient anxiety for financial institutions to once again consider the possibility of distressed sale pricing. The last aviation specific downturn seven years ago saw distressed sale values…

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November 24, 2008
B747-8F Delay Will Benefit B747-400F Values
The much expected delay to the service entry of the B747-8F will do little to improve the values of the new aircraft but should provide some reassurance for values of the current B747-400F. The fall in cargo traffic has meant that demand for airfreight capacity has lost much of its…

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November 24, 2008
Freighter Rentals Continue to Face Weakness
Weakness in the air cargo market is usually the first sign of problems in the world economy. The cargo market has therefore been suffering for nearly a year. The shortfall in demand in the run up to the Beijing Olympics earlier in the years merely obscured more fundamental issues. The…

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November 24, 2008
The End is Nigh for Stage 2 Values
The placement of a value on an aircraft implies that the type has some degree of relevance to the market, that it can be marketed to others. However, for the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was…

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November 24, 2008
B737-600 Values Continue to Fall
With a paltry 69 orders, the values of the -600 have continued to decline. Values of the -600 were placed “On Watch” status seven years ago and to all intents, the variant has become marginalized such that existing operators. Marginalization indicates considerable difficulty in placing the aircraft though few if…

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November 24, 2008
Lease Rentals Falling But Interest Rates Are Playing Their Part
Lease rentals have inevitably been impacted by the problems surrounding the world economy and the aviation market specifically. There have been suggestions that the weaker market conditions have begun to undermine the lease rentals of even more modern and popular aircraft types. There is little doubt that lease rentals for…

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November 24, 2008
Widebody Values Face Increased Weakness
The values of widebodies have come under increasingly threat as the worldwide credit crunch mutates into a global recession. Whereas values of more modern widebodies may have previously be protected as international operations continued to expand and fuel prices rose, the imbalance between supply and demand is leading to an…

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November 10, 2008